In this Article:
How to cancel or release DIDs from the Account Admin Portal.
Note: Only a SuperAdmin can cancel or release DIDs. If the User is not a SuperAdmin, the Cancel Selected DIDs button will be grayed out.
1.) From the Account Admin Dashboard, click the Account main menu option.
2.) Click the Inbound Numbers menu option.
The Manage DIDs page will open.
3.) Use the Filter By search fields to find phone numbers.
- A: Filter By options include:
- ACID List: Filter phone numbers assigned in an ACID List.
- Caller ID Reputation: Filter numbers based on their reputation with Carriers and the FCC.
- Country: Filter phone numbers from Australia, United Kingdom, or the United States.
- Created At: Filter numbers by the date they were created.
- DID Stage: Filter numbers by their Stage; Cancellation, Replacement, or Release.
- DID Type: Filter phone numbers by DID Types, Inbound, SMS, Dial-in, or SMS Shortcode.
- Inbound Number: Filter or search the DID number.
- Name: Filter phone number by its name.
- Route To: Filter phone number based on where it is routed.
- Status: Filter phone numbers based on the Status of the number(s). (Active or Off).
- B: The options in this field depend on the selection in the Filter By field.
- C: Order By options include: Country, Created At, DID Type, Inbound Number, Name, Route To, and Status.
- D: Select Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
4.) Select the phone number(s) that you would like to cancel by clicking the checkmark box to the column to the left of the number(s).
5.) Click the Cancel Selected DIDs button.
Note: You can only delete up to 200 DIDs at a time.
A Dependency Check window will open that will notify you that the number(s) that you are canceling are used in different areas of the Account and need to be removed from those settings before canceling or deleting.
Click on the View button (A in the image below) to edit the number settings.
- Click the Refresh button (B in the image below) after the number settings have been changed to update the list.
If the number(s) are assigned to a different ACID List,
- Click the Remove ACID Assignment button (C in the image below) to remove the selected numbers from those ACID Lists.
After the number(s) are removed from other settings, a Cancel DIDs confirmation window will open, asking if you would like to cancel all selected DIDs.
6.) Enter the number of days for the delay before the system cancels the selected DIDs.
7.) Click the Confirm button
The Pending Cancellation Confirmation window will open, displaying a summary of the DIDs you are canceling and the date when they will be canceled.
8.) Click the Confirm button again.
A Success notification window will appear that your request will take place soon.
Note: If you receive a message stating, "DID number/s did not pass the verification check and could not be moved to the vault." Contact our Technical Support Team (
There will be a Releasing or Pending Cancellation status in the DID Stage column on all the DIDs that have been canceled, this indicates that those numbers are slated for cancelation.