This feature enhances Inbound Call routing by implementing multiple call Destinations based on conditions such as their Campaign, Status, State, etc. As, such, you can ensure that a call from a Lead with Sale Status will go to a specific Queue. Below, we walk through the types of filters you can use on your Inbound Calls and how to prioritize them using Smart Routes.
Smart Routes
1.) Click on Account main menu.
2.) Click the Inbound Numbers menu option.
The Manage DIDs page will open.
3.) Search for the DIDs using the Filter By fields.
In this example, we will filter for a specific DID.
- A: Select Inbound Number from this drop-down.
- B: Type your number here. Ex:2084489219
4.) Click the green Search button.
5.) Click the number directly or the Settings option from the gear-wheel drop-down in the Action column.
The Inbound Number settings page will open.
6.) Scroll down to the Smart Routes section, and select from the following how you want to route the call.
- A: Campaign Route - If the call is coming from a Lead that belongs to the Campaign selected, the system will follow the Route to Destination settings.
- B: Status Route - If the call is coming from a Lead that has the Disposition selected, the system will follow the Route to Destination settings.
- C: Inbound Route - If the call is coming from a Lead and its Inbound Call Count falls within the range(s) set, it will follow the Route to Destination settings. Otherwise, it will follow the Default Routing.
- D: Outbound Route - If the call is coming from a Lead and its Outbound Call count matches in any of the setup, it will follow the Route to Destination settings. Otherwise, it will follow the Default Routing.
- E: State Route - If the call is coming from a Lead that belongs to the State selected, the system will follow the Route to Destination settings.
Campaign Smart Routes
1.) Click the Add Campaign Route button.
2.) Configure your Campaign Route.
- A: Select the Campaign that you want to use in the Campaigns drop-down.
- B: In the Route drop-down, you'll choose your Destination type such as Call Center Queues, Voicemail, Extensions, etc.
- C: The options in the Destination drop-down change depending on your choice of Route.
- D:(Optional) Use this Remove button to delete a Route.
Note: Multiple Campaigns can be used by clicking the Add Campaign Route multiple times to add more routes.
3.) Once you have completed your configurations, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply Changes.
Status Smart Routes
1.) Click the Add Status Route button.
2.) Configure your Status Route.
- A: Select the Status that you want to use in the Statuses drop-down.
- B: In the Route drop-down, you'll choose your Destination type such as Call Center Queues, Voicemail, Extensions, etc.
- C: The options in the Destination drop-down change depending on your choice of Route.
- D: (Optional) Use this Remove button to delete a Route.
Note: Multiple Statuses can be used by clicking the Add Status Route button multiple times to add more routes.
3.) Once you have completed your configurations, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply Changes.
Inbound Call Routes
1.) Click on Add Inbound Route button.
2.) Configure the Inbound Call Count range and Route the call to the preferred Destination.
- A: Inbound From Call Count is a text box for setting the beginning of your call count range.
- B: Inbound To Call Count is a text for setting the ending the call count range.
- C: In the Route drop-down, you'll choose your Destination type such as Call Center Queues, Voicemail, Extensions, etc.
- D: The options in the Destination drop-down change depending on your choice of Route.
- E: (Optional) Use this Remove button to delete a Route.
Here's an example of a common use case:
We are using two different Inbound Routes depending on the Inbound Call Count range.
- If the Inbound Call Count for the Lead is from 1 to 3 calls, the Lead will be routed to General Opener Queue.
- If the Inbound Call Count of this Lead is 4 to 10 calls, the Lead will be routed to General Closer Queue.
- If the Inbound Call Count of the Lead is more than 10 calls, the Lead will follow the default Call Routing shown in the Route Call To fields in the General section.
Note: Multiple Inbound Call Count ranges can be used by clicking the Add Inbound Route button multiple times to add more routes.
3.) Once you have completed your configurations, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply Changes.
Outbound Call Routes
1.) Click on Add Outbound Route button.
2.) Configure the Outbound Call Count range and Route the call to the preferred Destination.
- A: Inbound From Call Count is a text box for setting the beginning of your call count range.
- B: Inbound To Call Count is a text for setting the ending the call count range.
- C: In the Route drop-down, you'll choose your Destination type such as Call Center Queues, Voicemail, Extensions, etc.
- D: The options in the Destination drop-down change depending on your choice of Route.
- E: (Optional) Use this Remove button to delete a Route.
Here's an example of a common use case:
We are using two different Outbound Routes depending on the Outbound Call Count range.
- If the Outbound Call Count of the Lead is from 1 to 4 calls, the Lead will be routed to Team 3 Agent Queue.
- If the Outbound Call Count of the Lead is 5 to 11 calls, the Lead will be routed to Team 4 Agent Queue.
- If the Outbound Call Count of the lead is more than 11 calls, the Lead will follow the default Call Routing shown in the Route Call To fields in the General section.
Note: Multiple Outbound Call Count ranges can be used by clicking the Add Outbound Route button multiple times to add more routes.
3.) Once you have completed your configurations, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply Changes.
State Routes
1.) Click the Add State Route button.
2.) Configure your State Route.
- A: Select the State that you want to use in the States drop-down.
- B: In the Route drop-down, you'll choose your Destination type such as Call Center Queues, Voicemail, Extensions, etc.
- C: The options in the Destination drop-down change depending on your choice of Route.
- D: (Optional) Use this Remove button to delete a Route.
Note: Multiple State Routes can be used by clicking the Add State Route button multiple times to add more routes.
3.) Once you have completed your configurations, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Apply Changes.
Smart Routes Priority
When setting up multiple Smart Routes, you can set a Priority order.
1.) To move your Smart Routes either drag and drop or use the arrows beside the route tables.
2.) Arrange your Routes according to the Priority order you want the system to follow.
- Closer to the top of the Smart Routes section marks highest priority down to lowest at the bottom.
- If the Lead matches multiple filters, the system will follow the Smart Route with the highest priority.
Note: If the Lead does not match any of the Smart Route configurations, the system will follow the default call routing.
3.) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the blue Apply Changes button.