In this section we'll discuss how to check the SMS Logs for a specific lead. The SMS Logs provide information such as Phone Number, which SMS Message was sent, DID of the SMS sender, Status and more.
From the Dashboard, click on Call Center and select Leads from the drop down.
In the Manage Leads Section, search for the lead, then click on the Gear Icon, then select Edit from the drop down.
Click on the SMS Logs Tab.
SMS Logs for this specific lead will be shown in this section.
The SMS Log contains helpful information as follows:
User - Shows which User handled
From DID - SMS DID that where the SMS message sent from
Phone Number - Lead's phone number
Content - The content of the SMS message
Action - Indicates where the SMS is sent out (OUT) or received (IN)
Status - Indicates whether the SMS message was sent successfully or not
Created At - Shows the date when was the message was sent out