Export your Leads to free up Lead Capacity or when a Campaign is complete. There are a variety of reasons that you may want to export your Leads from the system. We will walk through this simple process in this article.
Export Leads
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Leads menu option.
The Manage Leads page will open.
3.) The Start/ End Date fields and Filter By fields can be used to narrow your search.
In this example, we are filtering for specific Campaigns:
- (A) Select Campaign in this drop-down.
- (B) Select With/In in this drop-down.
- (C) Select Campaigns by name in this field.
4.) Click the Search button.
Note: Exports have a limit of 250,000 Leads.
5.) Click the Export Lead Results button.
The Export Columns window will open.
6.) Select whether you would like your Export to have all possible data fields for the Leads or only the data fields displayed in the Manage Leads table.
7.) A Success window will open; click the link to view your Exports.
8.) Click the Download button.
The Export will download as a CSV file to your device.
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