The Manage Leads page displays all the Leads within an Account. Here, Admins can search all their Leads at once to manage and analyze calls made to these Leads.
After searching for a Lead(s) you can adjust, move, re-disposition, or delete Leads.
Search for Leads
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Leads menu option.
The Manage Leads page will open.
3.) The Start / End Date and Time (In PST) drop-down options are:
- Created At
- Last Leads local Call Time (Search by Leads Timezone and Search by PST Timezone)
If you filter by Date or any field with a date and time, there is a calendar to select the date and time.
4.) The other two Search fields are:
- Filter By options include Standard Lead Fields and Searchable Custom Fields.
- Order By: Sort the Leads in Ascending or Descending order based on the Field chosen.
5.) If you need to add more filters, click the Add Filter button.
Note: You cannot use the same field for multiple filters.
6.) Click the Search button.
Customize the Columns in the Manage Leads Table
1.) Click the Customize button.
The Customize modal window will open.
This window has sections for the types of columns available to be shown in the table on the Manage Leads page.
- Agent
- Call Statistics
- Speed to Leads
- Time
- Calls
- Contact
2.) Click the checkboxes next to the columns you want displayed on the Manage Leads page.
Speed to Lead
This feature allows generating reports that track the Speed to Contact a Lead, dial attempts tracking in minutes or even seconds.
Note: There is also a Speed to Lead Report in the Custom Reports list. To learn about running this report, see Speed to Lead Report.
These new Speed to Lead column options are:
- First Dialed At
- Dial Attempts
- Speed to Lead
- Speed to Lead (secs)
- First Contacted At
- Speed to Contact
- Speed to Contact (secs)
3.) Click the Save button at the bottom of the modal window when you have selected and saved all the items you want displayed.
After selecting the data you want displayed in the table, you also have the ability to order columns in a way most useful to you.
4.) Click the Order tab.
On the Order tab there is a list of columns selected to be shown.
- Click on a column name on the left and click one of the controls on the right to move that column up or down in the order of columns.
- Moving an item up moves it to the left of the table; moving it down moves it to the right of the table.
Note: The table extends as far as it needs to on the page, you will need to scroll right to see more columns. You can select as many columns as you'd like.
5.) Click the Save button to secure the order of the columns.
After customizing the table and conducting the search the table will display the results.
- As shown below are the columns for Speed to Lead ordered in the Search Results table.
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