Hopper Priority Call Order is one of the many Campaign Settings that allow for customization of how the Hopper prioritizes Leads. This setting should be used by Convoso Users who have Leads inserted via API using the Hopper=1 Priority setting or Callbacks and/or Workflows.
Before you Begin:
- The API entry "Hopper=1
- If you are using our Test Request platform, the hopper_priority value defaults to Priority 99. But this is not the case if you use an external program/service to post Leads, you need to specify the Priority manually.
- Callbacks insert the Lead as a Priority 50.
- Workflows will use the Priority of your choosing.
When there is a surplus of High Priority Leads in the Hopper:
- To call the newest High Priority Lead first, use the setting Call Highest Priority Leads First.
- To call the oldest High Priority Lead first, use the setting Call Lowest Priority Leads First.
- The system will default to Call the Lowest Priority Leads First.
Configure Hopper Priority Call Order
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Click the Campaign name or the Action drop-down button in the Action column and select Settings.
The Campaign Settings page will open.
4.) Click the Leads tab.
5.) Scroll down to find the Hopper Priority Call Order field.
6.) Select the option for the preferred Call Order:
- Call Lowest Priority Leads First - Lowest Priority to Highest Priority
- Will dial Priority 1 before it dials Priority 99.
- Call Highest Priority Leads First - Highest Priority to Lowest Priority
- Will dial Priority 99 before it dials Priority 1.
7.) Scroll down the page to the Advanced Lead Filter section
8.) Click the blue Apply Changes button below the Advanced Lead Filter section.