When the permission is enabled, Agents can add new Leads to the Account in the Agent Interface. The Lead Creation settings allow Admins to designate which Lists are available to receive these Leads. Admins can also select a specific List to receive all Leads created in the Agent Interface using the Default List setting.
Configuring the Lead Creation Settings
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Click the Campaign's Name to open the settings.
The Campaign Settings page will open on the General tab.
4.) Click the Leads tab.
5.) Configure the Lead Creation settings.
- (A) Allow Agent to Choose List: When enabled, Agents can choose the List for their New Lead.
- (B) Default List Access Level: This drop-down determines whether Agents have access to all the Lists in the Account or only those assigned to this Campaign.
- (C) Default List for New Leads: This drop-down allows Admins to choose a specific List for all New Leads.
6.) Scroll down and click the Apply Changes button.
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