Convoso deprecated the Standard Answering Machine Detection (AMD) functionality in favor of more configuration options in Advanced Answering Machine Detection (AMD). This Campaign feature helps to reduce the number of Answering Machines routed to Agents. It seeks to detect and discard these calls so that Agents can spend more time talking to live Leads.
- Before You Begin
- How to Set Up Advanced AMD
- Benefits of Advanced AMD
- Expected Results
- Possible Mitigation Steps
Before You Begin
This article will walk through configuring Advanced Answering Machine Detection to resemble Standard Answering Machine Detection and discuss its benefits.
For more details about the Advanced Answering Machine Detection settings and how to configure them, see Using Answering Machine Detection.
How to Set Up Advanced AMD
Some of our customers use Standard AMD and will need to switch to Advanced AMD for this change. To re-configure your Campaigns to use Advanced AMD and have it behave similarly to Standard AMD, you need to follow these steps:
- (A) Set Detect Answering Machines & Fax to Advanced.
- (B) Set FAS Detection to Route to Agent.
Note: Advanced AMD configured as described above will be similar to Standard AMD but not precisely the same.
Benefits of Advanced AMD
This product addresses a key issue faced by our customers: the number of Answering Machines that Agents continue to receive despite turning on Answering Machine Detection.
Changing the configuration will capture more answering machines that leak through. This will reduce the time your Agent spends Disposing of calls that go to Voicemail.
By removing the Standard option, we remove the pre-configured options and logic of the standard. This allows clients to determine what configurations work best for their needs instead of trying to manage call flow solely as a function of Dial Level.
Expected Results
Depending on your Campaign configurations and Dial Level settings, your results may vary, but in general, you should expect to see the following results:
Campaign Reports
- A higher number of VMs captured
- A higher % VMs
Agent Monitor:
- Longer Agent Wait Time
- More calls being caught by voicemails
- Less voicemail calls being routed to the Agent
- Longer Agent wait time
- Longer Agent Wait Time
Possible Mitigation Steps
Once you see the results of using Advanced AMD, tweaking Dial Levels and other call settings should help mitigate the longer wait times, resulting in more VMs being automatically detected.
If your agents are waiting too long between calls, try increasing the Dial Level to a higher number to reduce the wait time. This will increase the number of calls placed, which will help account for the time your agents are saving by not having to disposition calls that have gone to Voicemail or an Answering Machine. Over time, this will make customer Campaigns more efficient.
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