The Call Routing Method controls how the system routes outbound calls to Agents. Depending on the needs of your Campaign, calls can be routed based on wait time, call counts, skill level, etc.
Configuring Call Routing Method
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Click the Name of the Campaign to access its settings.
The Campaign Settings page will open on the General tab.
4.) Click the Call Routing & Analysis tab.
5.) Select the Call Routing Method in the drop-down.
- Random: The system will distribute Leads to Agents in no particular order.
- Evenly Distribute, Prioritize Agents with Longest Last Call: The system will try to distribute calls evenly, prioritizing Agents that have been waiting for the longest.
- Agent Waiting Longest Since Last Call Finished – The system will distribute Leads based on the Since Last column timer in the Agent Monitor.
Agent User Level: Agents with a higher User Level will receive a call first over Agents with a lower User Level.
- User Level is configured in Agent Skills in User Settings.
- Agent Campaign Skills: The system will distribute Leads based on the Agents' Skill and Weight on the Agent Skills page under Advanced Configurations.
- Fewest Campaign Calls: The system will prioritize Agents with the lowest Call Counts.
6.) Click the Apply Changes button at the bottom right.