Admins can adjust access for Users equal to their level and below. In this article, we will walk through controlling what a User sees in the Agent Monitor.
Configuring Agent Monitor Access
1.) Click the Account main menu.
2.) Click the Users menu option.
The Show Users page will open.
3.) Click the Admin's Email to open their Settings.
The User Settings page will open on the Credentials tab.
4.) Click the Access Control List tab.
5.) If the User has a generic Admin or Manager in the User ACL drop-down, then you will need to create a new ACL.
- See the Edit Existing ACL section below if you want to edit one of your Custom ACLs.
6.) Click the blue Create ACL button.
7.) Scroll down to the Agent Monitor section.
8.) Configure the User's Access by checking/unchecking for the options.
- (A) Agent Monitor Broadcast: Checking this box allows the Admin to send Broadcast messages to Agents.
- (B) Agent Monitor Listen/Barge/Whisper: Checking this box allows the Admin to interact with Agents and Leads during active calls.
- (C) Agent Monitor View: Checking this box allows the Admin to see the Agent Monitor screen.
- (D) Force Logout User: Checking this box allows the Admin to force logout individual Agents.
- (E) Logout all: Checking this box allows the Admin to force logout all Agents at once.
9.) Scroll back to the top:
- (A) Type a Name into the User ACL field.
- (B) Click the blue Create ACL button to save your changes.
Your new ACL will now be available for additional Admins that you want to give the same Agent Monitor permissions.
Edit Existing ACL
1.) Click the blue Edit ACL button.
2.) Scroll down to the Agent Monitor section.
3.) Configure the User's Access by checking/unchecking for the options.
- (A) Agent Monitor Broadcast: Checking this box allows the Admin to send Broadcast messages to Agents.
- (B) Agent Monitor Listen/Barge/Whisper: Checking this box allows the Admin to interact with Agents and Leads during active calls.
- (C) Agent Monitor View: Checking this box allows the Admin to see the Agent Monitor screen.
- (D) Force Logout User: Checking this box allows the Admin to force logout individual Agents.
- (E) Logout all: Checking this box allows the Admin to force logout all Agents at once.
4.) Scroll to the top of the page and click the blue Save ACL button.
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