The Primary Lead Order and Secondary Lead Order are vital Campaign Settings. With the Set Lead Calling Order settings, Admins can control how the system prioritizes their Leads for contact.
This article will walk through configuring the Primary Lead Order upgrade that offers more customizability to this setting.
Before You Begin
This Primary Lead Order update is only available upon request. Please contact your Onboarding Manager or Customer Success Manager to have this feature enabled.
- If you want to learn more about standard Primary Lead Order, you can see Configuring the Lead Calling Order.
- To learn more about other settings related to Calling Order, see Understanding Campaign Lead Calling Order.
Configuring Custom Lead Order
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Open your Campaign's settings by clicking the Name or selecting Settings from the Action gear-wheel drop-down.
The Campaign Settings page will open on the General tab.
4.) Click the Leads tab.
5.) On the Leads tab, scroll down to the Set Lead Calling Order section.
6.) Configure the Primary Lead Order:
(A) Select a Lead Field in the drop-down.
- Options include standard and custom Lead fields and the original Lead Order options: Lead Created, Primary Number, Last Name, Call Count, Zip Code, Last Call Time, Time Zone, and Order Randomly.
(B) Select the Sort Direction in this drop-down.
- Example: Ascending or Descending.
- Follow Sun East to West: The system prioritizes Leads with LOWER GMTs. Leads in regions furthest West are dialed first.
- Follow Sun West to East: The system prioritizes Leads with Higher GMTs. Leads in regions furthest East are dialed first.
(C) Select the New Lead Placement in this drop-down:
- Every 2nd New Lead
- Every 3rd New Lead
- Every 4th New Lead
- Every 5th New Lead
- Every 6th New Lead
Note: Setting Primary Lead Order to Random can greatly increase the time for Leads to be added to the Hopper.
7.) Configure the Secondary Lead Order:
After the system pulls the Leads from the Lists in the Primary Lead Order, determine how it will order the Leads in the Hopper.
Drop-down options:
Lead ID:
Lead Created Least Recent: Ascending - prioritize lower Lead ID over higher Lead ID.
Lead Created Most Recent: Descending - prioritize higher Lead ID over lower Lead ID. -
Last Called Time:
Last Call Time Least Recent: Ascending - prioritize oldest dialed Leads.
Last Call Time Most Recent: Descending - prioritize newest dialed Leads. -
Follow the Sun East to West: Ascending - prioritize Leads with Lower GMTs. Leads in regions furthest West are dialed first.
Follow the Sun West to East: Descending - prioritize Leads with Higher GMTs. Leads in regions furthest East are dialed first. -
Call Count:
Leads called the least amount of times: Ascending - prioritize Leads with the lowest Call Count.
Leads called the most often: Descending - prioritize Leads with the highest Call Count.
8.) Scroll to the Advanced Lead Filter section and click the Apply Changes button.
Campaign Field Dependency
1.) Click the CRM main menu.
2.) Click the Lead Layouts & Fields menu option.
The Manage Layouts page will open.
3.) Click the Fields tab.
The Manage Lead Fields page will open.
4.) Scroll down to the Lead Custom Fields & Relationships section.
5.) Click Delete.
The Delete Field window will open.
- Here, you can see that this Field is marked as a Campaign Field. This means the Field is used in the Primary Lead Order setting.
- The Admin must select a new Field for the Primary Lead Order before they can delete this Custom Field.
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