On occasion, Admins will manually empty the Hopper for troubleshooting. This article will walk through emptying the Hopper of all Leads. The Hopper is your Campaign's bucket for all Leads waiting to be dialed.
Emptying the Hopper
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Click the Campaign Name or select settings in the Action gearwheel drop-down.
The Campaign Settings page will open on the General tab.
4.) Click the Leads tab.
5.) Scroll down to Lists in this Campaign.
6.) Change all Active Lists to Inactive.
7.) Scroll up and click the Hopper tab.
8.) Click the red Empty Hopper button.
The Hopper table should now be blank and display 0 Items in Hopper.
The Hopper will automatically refill after reactivating the Lists you want to dial as long as there are Agents logged in to this Campaign.