Call Center Queues are where Leads are routed through when they call in. There are several tabs of settings for each Queue. The Queue's Main tab contains some of the most basic settings and identifiers for each Queue.
Editing Main Tab
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Call Center Queues menu option.
The Show Queues page will open.
3.) Click the Queue's Name.
The Queue Settings page will open.
4.) Configure the following settings as needed:
Main Section
- (A) Queue Name: This is the name used to identify this Queue throughout the Account.
- (B) Queue Color: This color appears as a dot in the Agent Interface when an Agent takes a call from this Queue.
- (C) Show Originating Agent Name: Toggling this to Yes if you want Agents to see the name of the previous Agent when accepting a Transfer.
- (D) Queue Priority: The number in this drop-down determines the priority of the calls in this Queue compared to other Queues and Campaigns.
- (E) Status: This toggle Activates and Deactivates the Queue.
Call Recording Section
Call Recording: This setting determines how the Queue records calls.
- Use Campaign Settings: The recording settings will be determined by the Campaign the Agent is using to take calls.
- Never: No calls will be recorded.
- On Demand: This setting allows the Agent to choose when to start or stop the recording using the recording button, Start Recording, in their Interface.
- All Calls: This will initiate recording at the beginning of all calls but will allow the Agent to stop the recording if needed.
- Force All Calls: This will record all calls. The Agent cannot start or stop recordings in this mode.
Heartbeat Settings Section
Heartbeats send external API calls notifying the system about calls waiting in the Queue. Once a call has reached the specified duration, a request is sent to the specified Convoso Connect.
- Click the Add Heartbeat button to create a Heartbeat.
Configure your Heartbeat's settings.
- (A) Duration (Sec): Enter a number of seconds.
- (B) Convoso Connect: select an option from the drop-down. (To learn more about Convoso Connects, see: Adding a Convoso Connect.)
- (C) Remove: Click this button to delete your Heartbeat.
5.) Click the Apply Changes button.
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