A Call Center Queue or a Queue is a destination for Inbound calls. Inbound calls go through Queues before going to Agents. The Campaigns manage Queues and can be assigned to Agents and Inbound Numbers.
Below are steps for adding a New Queue and resources for configuring specific Queue Settings.
Adding a Queue
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Call Center Queues menu option.
The Show Queues page will open.
3.) Click the Add Queue button.
The Create Queue window will open.
4.) Enter a Name.
5.) Click the Create Queue button.
There will be several more steps to fill out the remaining Queue sections; each screen will feature a Skip button at the bottom of the window.
We recommend using the Skip button to bypass configuring your settings within the Create a Queue Wizard. Once you reach the end, you can configure these settings in a more spacious format within the Queue Settings page.
6.) Click the blue Finish button.
The Queue Settings page for your new Queue will open.
Queue Settings Tabs
There are several tabs, each containing settings controlling your Queue functionality.
- The Main tab is the starting point whenever you access Queue Settings. Here, you will find some of the most basic Queue controls.
- To learn more about the Main tab, see:
- The Call Routing tab controls how the Queue routes calls to Agents.
- To learn more about the Call Routing tab, see:
Configure Call Center Queues Call Routing tab.
- To learn more about the Call Routing tab, see:
- The Scripts and Call Launch tab offers Script and Webform settings based on Queue. These settings can also be controlled at the Campaign-level.
- To learn more about the Scripts and Call Launch tab, see Edit Queue Script, Call Launch Tab, and Dynamic Script.
- The After Hours Settings tab controls how the Queue handles calls that come in outside of business hours.
- To learn more about the After Hours Settings tab, see Edit Queue After Hours Settings Tab.
- The Assigned Users tab controls which Agents have access to this Queue.
- To learn more about the Assigned Users tab, see Edit Call Center Queue Assigned Users Tab.
- The Agent Skills tab allows you to route calls to Agents based on their Skills.
- To learn more about the Agent Skills tab, see Edit Call Center Queue Skills Tab.
- The Assigned Numbers tab lets you see the Inbound Numbers assigned to the Queue.
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