This article will guide you through deleting Call Recordings from your Account. Admins have the option to delete Recordings in bulk or one at a time.
Delete a Single Recording
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Recordings menu option.
The Show Recordings page will open.
3.) Enter your date range into the Start/End Date fields.
4.) Use the Filter By fields to further narrow your Search.
(A) Filter By options include:
- Call Type Filter Recordings based on how the Call was placed, Inbound, Manual, and Outbound.
- Campaign: Filter Recordings based on your Campaigns.
- Duration Seconds: Filter Recordings based on the length of the call in seconds.
- ID: Filter Recordings based on their Identification Number.
- Lead ID: Filter Recordings based on Lead ID.
- Status: Filter Recordings based on the call Disposition.
- User: Filter based on the User that placed the call.
- (B) This field is a list of operators such as With/In, Is Equal to, Is greater than, etc.
- (C) This field and its choices depend on which option you select in drop-down A.
- (D) Order By options include Campaign, Duration Seconds, ID, Lead ID, Status, and User.
- (E) You can choose Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
5.) Click the green Search button. Your results will appear below.
6.) Click Delete in the Action gearwheel drop-down.
Delete Multiple Recordings
1.) Open Show Recordings. Refer to steps 1-2 in the section above.
2.) Enter your date range into the Start/End Date fields.
3.) Use the Filter By fields to further narrow your Search.
(A) Filter By options include:
- Call Type Filter Recordings based on how the Call was placed, Inbound, Manual, and Outbound.
- Campaign: Filter Recordings based on your Campaigns.
- Duration Seconds: Filter Recordings based on the length of the call in seconds.
- ID: Filter Recordings based on their Identification Number.
- Lead ID: Filter Recordings based on Lead ID.
- Status: Filter Recordings based on the call Disposition.
- User: Filter based on the User that placed the call.
- (B) This field is a list of operators such as With/In, Is Equal to, Is greater than, etc.
- (C) This field and its choices depend on which option you select in drop-down A.
- (D) Order By options include Campaign, Duration Seconds, ID, Lead ID, Status, and User.
- (E) You can choose Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
4.) Click the green Search button. Your results will appear below.
5.) Click the checkbox in the blue header to select all the Recordings on the page. Or manually select the Recordings you would like to edit by clicking individual checkboxes.
6.) Click the Remove selected recordings button.
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