There are various ways to access your Agents' Call Recordings. Call Recordings are available to playback, share, download, and export as a zip file. The recordings can only be seen if you have recordings enabled on the Campaign or if the Agents have the ability to record them while they are on the call.
Note: Convoso's standard call recording storage is for 30 days. During these 30 days, Admins can playback and download Call Recordings. Past this period, recordings will no longer be accessible in Convoso's system, per the Convoso Services Agreement.
To store previous Call Recordings outside Convoso's system, Admins can download or push them to an FTP Server.
To activate the long-term storage add-on and retain access for up to 12 months, please contact your CSM. For more details about Long-term Storage, see Long-term Storage for Call Recordings.
Before you Begin
There are two ways to check your recordings. The first is through the Show Recordings page under the Reports main menu. The second is through the Manage Call Logs page, also under Reports.
Note: Audio recordings are available within 24 hours from the time of the call. In most cases, the recordings are available within 2-3 hours from the time of the call. Recordings are guaranteed to be available 30 days after the call, even if the Leads are deleted.
Search Recordings
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Recordings menu option.
The Show Recordings page will open.
3.) Enter your date range into the Start/End Date fields.
4.) Use the Filter By fields to further narrow your Search.
(A) Filter By options include:
- Call Type Filter Recordings based on how the Call was placed, Inbound, Manual, and Outbound.
- Campaign: Filter Recordings based on your Campaigns.
- Duration Seconds: Filter Recordings based on the length of the call in seconds.
- ID: Filter Recordings based on their Identification Number.
- Lead ID: Filter Recordings based on Lead ID.
- Status: Filter Recordings based on the call Disposition.
- User: Filter based on the User that placed the call.
- (B) This field is a list of operators such as With/In, Is Equal to, Is greater than, etc.
- (C) This field and its choices depend on which option you select in drop-down A.
- (D) Order By options include Campaign, Duration Seconds, ID, Lead ID, Status, and User.
- (E) You can choose Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
5.) Click the green Search button. Your results will appear below.
Play Icons:
From left to right
- Play: This arrow icon will play the Call Recording.
- Stop: This square icon will stop the playback of the Call Recording.
- Copy Link: This icon will copy a hyperlink to the Recording. The receiver of this link will need access to your Convoso Dialer Account.
- Download: This icon will download the Recording to your device.
Bulk Download
1.) Click the checkboxes for the Recordings you want.
2.) Click the Download as Zip File button.
The Success window will open.
3.) Click the hyperlink.
The Manage Exports page will open.
4.) Click the blue Download button.
The Zip file will download to your device.
Check Recording Storage
Easily check information about your Long-Term Storage plan, including how much data you have stored and the space still available.
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Recordings menu option.
The Show Recordings page will open.
3.) Click the blue Storage Utilized button.
The Storage Utilized window will open.
- Actual Storage Used: The amount of Storage currently in use.
- Storage Contracted: Total amount of Storage in your Tier.
- Available Storage: The amount of storage still available for more Recordings.
4.) Click the Close button.
Search Call Logs
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Call Logs menu option.
The Manage Call Logs page will open.
3.) Enter your date range into the Start/End Date fields.
4.) Use the Filter By fields to further narrow your Search.
(A) Filter By options include:
- Audio Quality - Filtering by Audio Quality ratings chosen by Agents during Disposition. You can choose one or more of the ratings 1-5.
- Call Type - Filter calls based on these types, 3-Way (Conference Call), Inbound, Manual, or Outbound.
- Caller ID Reputation - Filter based on whether the number used to dial is flagged/blocked by our 3 carrier options or the FCC.
- Campaign - Filter calls by Campaign.
- Displayed Caller ID - Filter by the phone number displayed as Caller ID.
- Talk Time in Sec. - Filter by the length of the call in seconds. Use the operator field (B) to define the relationship of the results to the value you enter, such as less than, equal to, or greater than.
- ID - Filter calls by Call Log ID.
- Lead ID - Filter by Lead ID number; using an operator is optional.
- List - Filter calls using List name.
- Number Dialed - Filter by Lead phone number.
- Outbound Called Count - Filter calls using the number of Outbound Calls. Use the operator field (B) to define the relationship between the results and the value you enter, such as less than, equal to, or greater than.
- Queue - Filter calls by Call Center Queues.
- Queue Wait Time in Sec. - Filter calls based on the number of seconds the Lead waited in a Queue.
- Status - Filter calls by its status (You can use With/In and Not In).
- User - Filter calls based on Users (You can also use System User as a filter).
- (B) This field is a list of operators such as With/In, Is Equal to, Is greater than, etc. They define the relationship between your results and the value(s) in the field (C).
- (C) This field and its choices depend on which option you select in drop-down A.
- (D) Order By options include all Filter by options and Call Date.
- (E) You can choose Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
Note: The Manage Call Logs table is customizable,
5.) Click the green Search button.
6.) Scroll to the right and locate the Recordings column. You will find the icons described in the Search Show Recordings section above.
Note: If you want to download multiple Recordings simultaneously, you will need to search and select them on the Show Recordings page, as shown in the Bulk Download subsection above.
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