Callbacks Through API
With the expansion of our API integration, Convoso has now equipped the admin with the ability to manage their Callbacks via API. This added functionality helps you better manage your leads/clients/customers needing supplemental support/information on your business.
The settings can be access by following these simple instructions:
1.) Click on API
2.) Select Callbacks
Much like every other Convoso API, we have to make sure that the Authorization Token used should have the correct accesses enabled. You can find out more about it here: How to Manage Authorization Token
By following the instructions above, we are presented with 4 options on API Callbacks
Inserting Callbacks Through API
On the very onset of this page, we are presented with the values that are Required/Optional in creating our Callback API/API URL.
You can use the Test Request tab to check the validity of your Insert request.
Here's a sample Test Request.
System Callbacks - These are system wide callbacks and do not stay with the agent. Once the system identifies that there is a scheduled system callback, it will automatically dial the lead adding it on the hopper. If the lead is not answered, it will be connected to the next available agent.
Personal Callbacks - Agents will be notified once the system detects a scheduled callback scheduled for them. A pop up reminder will display in the bottom right corner of the screen. These are shown in the CRM’s callback tab. Alternatively, agents will need to manually call these type of callbacks. Personal callbacks require that you include a user_id to assign the callback to.
Note: Your admin may disable callbacks entirely or only allow for system or personal callbacks.
Successful Callback Insert will give you this message
You can then copy the string provided above to your Vendor/CRM management if they are helping with managing your Callbacks
Updating Callbacks Through API
By selecting the second tab for Update Callback, we are presented with the values that are Required/Optional in updating our existing Callback.
Similar to Callback Insert, we have the same values that needs to be filled out with the exception of the status tab as you can choose to dismiss the callback.
Successful Callback Update will give you this message
You can then copy the string provided above to your Vendor/CRM management if they are helping with managing your Callbacks
Deleting a Callback Via API
Choosing the third tab to Delete an API provides a straight forward configuration.
By just having the right token and the Callback ID, you can choose to delete an existing callback.
Successful Callback Deletion will give you this message
You can then copy the string provided above to your Vendor/CRM management if they are helping with managing your Callbacks
Searching for Callbacks via API
The fourth tab gives us the configuration needed to query Callbacks through API.
In contrast to Inserting and Updating callbacks, the fourth option has more fields that can be used as filters to narrow the search for any existing callbacks.
In addition to the fields above, you can filter your callbacks based on their current status:
• Dismissed - the callback has been cancelled
• Past_Due - the callback has not been addressed and has been past the designated time
• Pending - the callback is active and awaits the designated time
• Completed - the callback has been successfully addressed
Note: Callbacks can be marked as completed by agents regardless if there was successful contact or not. It is the time of contact that is being checked when marking the Callback status completed.
Successful Callback Search will give you this message
You can then copy the string provided above to your Vendor/CRM management if they are helping with managing your Callbacks