A PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a phone system that allows an organization to manage incoming and outgoing phone calls and also allows internal communication within the organization. This feature allows Admins to create Callbacks for the PBX. This is an automated feature where the system performs a Callback and connects the number to a configured Destination.
Add a Callback
1.) Click the Phone System main menu.
2.) Click the Callback menu option.
The Show Callbacks page will open.
3.) Click the Add Callback button.
4.) Configure the Edit Callback Settings.
- (A) Callback Description: Enter a short description of this Callback.
- (B) Callback Number: (Optional) Enter the number to dial for the Callback. Leave this blank to dial the incoming Caller ID Number.
- (C) Delay Before Callback: (Optional) Enter the number of seconds the system should wait before calling back.
5.) Configure the Destination after Callback fields.
(A) Destination options include:
- Announcements: Plays a pre-recorded audio file for the Lead.
Call Center Queues: Routes to any of your Call Center Queues.
Callback: Routes to another callback, which has a destination of its own.
Conferences: Routes to one of your PBX Conferences.
Conversational AI: Routes to a Virtual Agent.
Directory: Routes the call to a User Directory.
Extensions: Routes the call to a specific Agent's extension.
External Numbers: Routes the call to an external number.
IVA (Virtual Agent): Routes the call to a Voso.ai Campaign.
IVR: Routes the call to an IVR.
PBX Queues: Routes the call to one of your PBX Queues.
Queues Priority: Routes call to one of your PBX Queues Priorities.
Ring Groups: Routes to one of your Ring Groups. Which are used to ring multiple extensions simultaneously or in sequence.
Terminate Call: Ends the call as Busy, Congestion, or Hangup.
Time Conditions: Routes to one of your Time Conditions.
Voicemail: Routes to a specific Agent's Voicemail box.
- (B) The options in this field depend on your selection in (A).
6.) Click the blue Apply Changes button.
A notice will open, prompting you to reload the PBX to activate your changes.
7.) Click the Close button.
8.) Click the Phone System main menu.
9.) Click the Reload PBX menu option.
A Confirmation window will open.
10.) Click the Reload button.
The Reload PBX page will open. Changes may take up to fifteen minutes to take effect.
Edit a Callback
1.) Follow steps 1 & 2 in the section above to open the Show Callbacks page.
2.) Click the Callback Description or Edit in the Action gearwheel drop-down to open the Callback Settings page.
3.) Reconfigure the settings as needed. For descriptions of how these settings work, refer to steps 4 & 5 above.
4.) Click the blue Apply Changes button.
A notice will open, prompting you to reload the PBX to activate your changes.
5.) Click the Close button.
6.) Click the Phone System main menu.
7.) Click the Reload PBX menu option.
A Confirmation window will open.
8.) Click the Reload button.
The Reload PBX page will open. Changes may take up to fifteen minutes to take effect.
Set Callback as DID Destination
Here is how to set your Callback as the Route Call To Destination for an Inbound Number. So that callers will be routed according to your Callback settings.
1.) Click the Account main menu option.
2.) Click the Inbound Numbers option.
The Manage DIDs page will open.
3.) Find specific DIDs using the Filter By fields.
(A) Filter By options include:
- ACID List: Filter phone numbers based on their assigned ACID List.
- Caller ID Reputation: Filter numbers based on their reputation with Carriers and the FCC.
- Country: Filter phone numbers from Australia, the United Kingdom, or the United States.
- Created At: Filter numbers by the date they were made.
- DID Stage: Filter numbers by their stage for cancellation, replacement, or release.
- DID Type: Filter phone numbers by DID Types, Inbound, SMS, Dial-in, or SMS Shortcode.
- Inbound Number: Filter or search the DID number.
- Name: Filter phone number by its name.
- Route To: Filter phone number based on where it is routed.
- Status: Filter phone number based on its status. (Active or Off).
- (B) This field and its choices depend on which option you select in drop-down (A).
- (C) Order By options include: Country, Created At, DID Type, Inbound Number, Name, Route To, and Status.
- (D) You can then choose Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
4.) Click the Search button.
5.) To open the DID's settings, click either the number itself or the Edit option in the Action gear wheel drop-down.
6.) Configure Route Call To:
- (A) Select Callback in this drop-down.
- (B) Select the specific Callback.
7.) Click the Apply Changes button at the bottom right.
Set Callback as Overflow Destination
Here is how you can set a Callback as the Overflow Destination for a Campaign. This will route calls when there are no Agents available when the Lead answers to the Callback.
Note: Callback is only available as an Overflow Destination for Survey/Broadcast, Virtual Agent, and Conversational AI Campaign Types. Normal Type Campaigns do not have Callback as an Overflow Destination.
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Open your Campaign's settings by clicking the Name or selecting Settings from the Action gear-wheel drop-down.
The Campaign Settings page will open on the General tab.
4.) Click the Call Routing & Analysis tab.
5.) Locate Overflow Call Settings and configure the Overflow Destination:
- (A) Select Callback in the drop-down.
- (B) Select the specific Callback in the drop-down.
6.) Click the Apply Changes button.
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