In This Article:
This article will teach you how to create an SMS Template for your SMS Campaign.
1.) From the Admin dashboard, click the Account tab
2.) Select SMS Templates from the menu.
3.) From Manage SMS Template, click the Add SMS Template button.
4.) Configure the following to complete the SMS Template
- Name - Name of the SMS Template.
- Insert Field - Insert or append the value of the field on the body of the template.
- Body - Enter the SMS message (Maximum of 160 characters)
- Opt-In/Out - Default Opt-In/Out message is pre-filled for SMS Templates (Reply STOP to quit, HELP for more information.)
Note: You can customize the Opt-In/Out message but the words "STOP" and "HELP" must be included. If they are not it will revert back to the default message "Reply STOP to stop, HELP for more information."
If the lead replies with "STOP" the system will use the Opt-Out message that can be configured under the SMS tab of the SMS Campaign (Click here for more information). If the Opt-Out message is left blank it will revert back to the default message "You've been removed from this list" when you save the settings, for both the Stop and Help Message.
5.) Click the Add SMS Template button once done.