Export Callbacks for archiving, reporting, or other purposes. Below we will walk through the steps to export your Callbacks from the system.
Exporting Callbacks
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Callbacks menu option.
The Show Callbacks page will open.
3.) Click the Export Callbacks button at the top right.
Note: The system can only export 250,000 Callbacks at a time. If your Account has more than 250,000 Callbacks, then you must use the Date fields or the Filter By fields to narrow the list.
The system will begin downloading a CSV file immediately for smaller lists.
If the results contain a lot of Callbacks, then a Success window will open, instructing you to visit the Exports page.
- Click the link to open the Manage Exports page.
- Otherwise, click the Exports menu option in the Reports main menu.
4.) Click the Download button beside your Export. The newest files are at the top of the list.
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