Audio files can be used in multiple features, such as Announcements, IVR, Broadcasts, etc., in your Account. Before using them anywhere else all Audio files need to be uploaded into the Audio Library.
Uploading New Audio to Library
1.) Click the Account main menu.
2.) Click the Audio Library menu option.
The Audio Library page will open.
3.) Click the Upload File button.
The Upload Media File window will open.
4.) Upload your Audio.
(A) Choose File: Click this button to open your file explorer and select a .mp3 or .wav file.
- Note: Your file must be a .mp3 or .wav file with a max size of 20 MB.
- (B) Name: The file's name on your device will appear here. You can type in a new name or leave it the same.
5.) Click the Upload button.
The Upload Successful window will open.
Edit Button
- Click the Edit button to change the Name of your Audio.
Download Button
- Click to Download an Audio file to your device.
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