In this article, you will find the definitions of Statuses used by the Convoso system. A call Disposition is a feature added to most CRMs with codes that provide remarks on the outcome of an Agent's concluded call with a client.
Status Abbreviation | Status Description | Notes |
AA | Answering Machine Detected | Set by the system when the AMD detection detects the call being an answering machine. |
AFAX | CPD Fax | Set by the system when the AMD detection detects the call being a FAX machine. |
AHXFER | Queue After Hours Action Trigger | The Inbound call is terminated as it hits the Queue after hours. |
AL | Answering Machine Msg Played | When an AMD call is sent to a message, and the message has been played. |
AM | Answering Machine Sent to Msg | When an AMD call is sent to a message to be played. |
ANONY | Anonymous Call | Blocked Caller ID |
B | System Busy | Calls that are automatically filtered by the dialer as Busy. |
BCHU | Broadcast Call Hung Up | Conversational AI Campaign Status. The caller hungup while the message is playing. |
CALLHU | Caller Hung Up | The caller hung up. |
CIDB | Blocked Caller ID | The call is blocked due to the CID being flagged by the call carrier. |
CG | Congestion | This typically means that there is a high volume of activity on the network(s) at one particular time. During Congestion, the call may ring as busy or unavailable, but this may not mean the Lead is bad, only that the networks are jammed. |
CGT | Congested Temporarily | The number cannot be reached. (Possible Low Minutes or Carrier Issue. Please contact Support) |
CIDROP | Create New Lead & Drop Call | |
CPDATB | CPD All Trunks Busy | Call Progress Detection All - Trunks - Busy |
CPDB | CPD Busy | Call Progress Detection Busy |
CPDINV | CPD Invalid Number | Call Progress Detection Invalid Number |
CPDNA | CPD No Answer | Call Progress Detection No Answer |
CPDREJ | CPD Rejected | Call Progress Detection Reject |
CPDSI | CPD Sit Intercept | Call Progress Detection Sit Intercept |
CPDSNC | CPD Sit No Circuit | Call Progress Detection Sit No Circuit |
CPDSR | CPD Sit Reorder | Call Progress Detection Sit Reorder |
CPDSUA | CPD Service Unavailable | Call Progress Detection Service Unavailable |
CPDSUK | CPD Sit Unknown | Call Progress Detection Sit Unknown |
CPDSV | CPD Sit Vacant | Call Progress Detection Sit Vacant |
CPDUK | CPD Unknown | Call Progress Detection Unknown |
DC | Disconnected Number | The number is no longer in service or has already been disconnected. |
DELETE | Lead was moved to recycle bin | Status of the Lead under Call Logs if ever the Lead ID was already deleted. |
DIVRT | Conversational AI Transfer | Status of the Lead under Call Logs if the system successfully transfers the call. Conversational AI disposition only. |
DIVRTF | Conversational AI Transfer Failed | Status of the Lead under Call Logs if the system fails to transfer the call. Conversational AI disposition only. |
DNC | Do NOT Call | A Disposition used by Agents to add a number to the Global DNC list. |
DNCL | Do NOT Call Hopper Match | The system detects the number in the hopper that exists in the DNC list. |
DNCQ | Queue Set Call To DNC | The Queue hung up the Inbound call and tagged it as DNC based on its drop action. |
DNCU | Do NOT Call Upload Match | The system detects that the number exists in the DNC list during the upload. |
DNCW | Do NOT Call Wireless Number | Status of the Lead where the wireless numbers were filtered and marked as DNCW during the upload. |
DONE | Call Done | |
DROP | Agent Not Available In Campaign | The call waited in the Queue, but no Agent was available in the Campaign, so the call was dropped. |
DUP | Duplicate Lead Upload | Lead has been filtered out as a duplicate number during Lead upload. |
ERI | Agent Lost Connection |
The Agent was on a live call when their browser lost connection to the web server, or they closed their browser in the middle of a call. |
FASD | FAS Detected | The carrier returns the answer signal earlier than when the Lead answers. Or the call is not terminated right when the Lead hangs up and waits for the call to disconnect. |
HOLDTO | Queue Hold Time Action Trigger | The Queue routed the Inbound call to another destination following its Max Estimated Hold condition. |
HXFER | Hold Recall Transfer | The Queue routed the call to another destination following its 24H Recall settings. |
IMPL | Improper Logout | |
INBND | Inbound Call | Status of the Lead if ever the Inbound number is pointing to the Phone System and the caller hangs up right away without reaching the proper Destination. |
INCALL | Lead In Call | The Status while the Lead is in a call or the Agent closes their browser while on a call. (this will change to "INCOMP - Incomplete Call" after 24 hours). |
INCOMP | Incomplete Call | The Status of the Lead if ever the Agent closed their browser while on a call. It will be changed to this status after 24 hours. |
LOGOUT | Agent Force Logout | The Status of the Lead when the Agent was forced to log out by the Admin before Dispositioning the call. |
MSDROP | Play Message & Drop Call | Play a pre-recorded message and drop the call. |
NA | No Answer AutoDial | The Lead did not answer the call. |
NEW | New Lead | Initial Status of all Leads |
NORD | Network Out Of Order | A call carrier connected a call but was unable to connect the audio stream. This should NEVER happen at all. If you see this Status, please contact our Support so that we can report this to our carrier. |
OI | Operator Intercept | The system detected a prerecorded message that is a human voice stating that this call is not in service anymore or some other message explaining this number is disconnected. |
PBXHU | Call ended at PBX | The status of the Lead if ever the call hangs up while on PBX Destinations. |
PDROP | Pre-Routing Drop |
The Outbound call fails due to a Carrier or server issue. The Inbound call drops before reaching the Queue. |
PM | Played Message | Survey/Broadcast Status when a message has been played to the Lead. |
PU | Call Picked Up | This is a temporary Status where the Lead answered the call. |
PXDROP | Drop Call to PBX Application | |
QDROP | Drop Call to Another Queue | |
QUEUE | Call in Progress | The Lead is about to be sent to the Agent. |
QVMAIL | Queue Abandon Voicemail Left | |
REJ | Call Rejected | |
RVMGWF | RVM Gateway Failed | |
RVMHU | RVM Voicemail Hangup | The Status of the Lead if ever the voicemail message was not successfully sent to the voicemail inbox due to improper setup or the voicemail inbox cannot accept any more messages. |
RVMNM | RVM No Message Set | |
RVMPM | RVM Voicemail Message Sent | The Status of the Lead where the voicemail message was successfully sent. |
RVMTA | RVM Voicemail Timeout | |
RVMUN | RVM Unsuccessful | |
RVMXF | RVM Message Delivery Failed | |
SKIPLD | Skipped Lead | The Status of the Lead when the Agent clicks on the Skip Lead button. |
SMSINV | SMS Invalid Number | The system detected the number as not a wireless number. |
SMSND | SMS No Available DID | |
SMSOC | SMS Out of Credit | |
SMSOPT | SMS Opt-Out | |
SVYEXT | Survey sent to Extension | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SVYHU | Survey Hangup | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SVYREC | Survey sent to Record | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SVYVM | Survey sent to Voicemail | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXANNO | Survey Transferred to Announcement | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXCALL | Survey Transferred to Callback | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXCONF | Survey Transferred to Conference | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXDIAL | Survey Transferred to Dialer Queue | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXEXTE | Survey Transferred to Extension | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXIVR | Survey Transferred to IVR | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXQUEU | Survey Transferred to Queues | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXRING | Survey Transferred to Ring Group | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXSAFE | Survey Transferred to Safe Harbor Message | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXTERM | Terminate Survey Call | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXTIME | Survey Transferred to Time Condition | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
SXVOIC | Survey Transferred to Voicemail | Survey/Broadcast Campaign status only. |
TWCE | 3Way Call Ended | Status used by the system when the Agent leaves the 3-way or conference call. |
UB | User Busy | Agent defined Status for Busy. |
VOOOO | Voice Opt-Out | |
WAITTO | Queue Drop Call Action Trigger | The Inbound caller waits on the line until such time that the Queue routed the call to another destination following its Max Wait Time Settings. |
XDIRE | Survey Transferred to Directory | |
XDROP | Call Abandoned In Queue | The call was transferred to an Ingroup, but no Agent was available after the Hangup time. |
XFER | Call Transfer In Progress | The call was Transferred successfully. |