Under Custom Reports, you can use various Reports to see the performance and success of your Voso.ai Scenarios and Campaigns.
- Accessing the Reports
- IVA Campaign Report
- IVA Cost Summary Report
- IVA Scheduled Calls Report
- IVA Success Funnel Report
- IVA Text Success Report
- IVA Voice Success Report
- Speech to Text Report
Accessing the Reports
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Custom Reports menu option.
The Reports page will open.
In the list of Common Reports in the left panel, you will find the IVA-specific Reports that are available:
IVA Campaign Report
- IVA Cost Summary Report
- IVA Scheduled Calls Report
- IVA Success Funnel Report
IVA Text Sucess Report
- IVA Voice Success Report
- Speech to Text Report
3.) Click on any of the Report names to open the page for that Report.
4.) For each Report, you can then select filters and dates for the Report.
5.) Users can export Reports to a CSV file or Save the Report to be run with the same criteria in the future.
Save Report
There are two options to save any of your IVA Reports. One version enables Admins to save the current results as a CSV file, while the other saves the criteria for running the report again.
1.) Click Export to CSV button to download as a CSV file to your device.
1.) Alternatively, click the Save Report button to open the Save Report pop-out.
2.) Configure the Save Report fields:
- (A) Name: Specify your preferred Name.
(B) Emails: Specify which email(s) will receive the report.
- i.e., admin1@emailadress.com, admin2@emailadress.com, etc.
- (C) Frequency: Drop-down to specify a frequency for the Report to re-run and send emails.
(D) Time: Specify when you want your report to be saved.
- If not repeating this Save, then leave it at the Default of the current time.
- (E) Click Save when complete.
Notes on Running Reports and Report Notifications
If the Reports will take a while, you can navigate away from the page and perform other tasks.
When the Report has finished running, you will get a Notification in the Notification Center, a badge will appear on the Bell Icon in the top-right.
If you stay on that page, the Report will load when it has finished running.
If you leave the page, once the Report has finished, the Notification Center will have a View Report link for you to load the Report immediately.
When staying on that Report page, a window will open, notifying you if no data was returned when running the Report.
If you leave the Report page and there is no data in the Report, you will not get a Notification in the Notification Center for the Report.
IVA Campaign Report
This Report shows the statistics of calls, breakdowns for minutes used, cost, etc.
This is a rundown of how the Campaign is doing overall.
- Number of calls
- Average length
- Total minutes
- Cost amount of STT
- TTS costs
- Voicemail
- No answer
- Etc.
Users have the ability to filter this Report based on various conditions:
Date Range
Call Types
Talk Time
Columns in the table:
Names of IVA Campaigns.-
# of Calls
Number of calls made per time range per Campaign. -
Average Length of Calls (ALOC)
Total time of calls/number of calls, measured in minutes. -
Total Minutes
Total time of all calls, measured in minutes per Campaign. -
Speech to Text Costs
Cost of Speech-to-Text per time range per Campaign. -
Text to Speech Costs
Cost of Text-to-Speech per time range per Campaign. -
Voicemail %
Percent of Voicemails caught per time range per Campaign. -
No Answer %
Percent of no answers caught per time range per Campaign. -
ALOC calculation -
Outbound Minutes
Total Minutes -
Inbound Minutes
Total Minutes -
Manual Minutes
Total Minutes -
3way Minutes
Total Minutes -
Total Minutes
Users have the ability to view Reports with a bar graph:
# (Number) -
Campaigns -
Number of calls
Average Length Of Calls (ALOC)
IVA Cost Summary Report
This Report determines if Voso.ai is achieving the desired financial outcome compared to using human Agents.
Admins are challenged to derive the insights they need to make informed, data-driven decisions and optimize Voso.ai to achieve the desired results.
This report shows the total sum of costs so admins can answer the following questions:
- How much did I spend on Voso.ai for a particular day, week, month, etc.?
- How many Transfers were produced by Voso.ai to my call center Agents or to an external buyer?
- How much did those Transfers cost relative to what I can sell those calls for?
IVA Scheduled Calls Report
This Report tracks the Status of Calls scheduled through an IVA Scenario to report on the success of the Scenario.
This Report enables users to view the success of the calls scheduled and their Statuses.
This report's bar graph displays all of these Call Statuses:
- Scheduled
- Running
- Completed
- Canceled
Export includes all presented columns and data points available in the report:
- Campaign
- Node
- All Scheduled Call Statuses
- Total
Filter options:
- (A) Campaigns
- (B) Lists
IVA Success Funnel Report
This Report allows users to analyze the success funnel for Leads associated with particular Lists and Campaigns, enabling them to identify patterns and trends.
The IVA Success Funnel Report aims to visually demonstrate the progression of leads within the Voso.ai Scenario, starting from the total number of uploaded Leads and ending with successful interactions where the Lead is transferred to an Agent.
This report serves as a valuable tool for both internal teams and IVA Clients, enabling them to monitor the overall success rate of the IVA Campaign.
This is another report where you will choose a specific Scenario to run.
This report displays the graph with total Counts for:
- Unique Leads - Unique means the first time contact that a Lead has been contacted. This data will show how many Leads were a first-time contact.
- SMS Delivered Leads - The amount of text messages that were actually delivered.
- Responsive Leads - Number of Leads who messaged back, regardless of what the response was.
- Positive Responses - Any response from a Lead that is not DNC.
- Leads Scheduled - SMS conversations with Unique Leads that resulted in a scheduled event. The number of Leads Scheduled.
The results table displays totals for the same variables in the graph and adds the percentage each accounts for the total Leads in the Scenario.
Users can export the following information:
- Unique Leads Pushed
- Leads Successfully Delivered SMS
- SMS Responsive Leads
- Opt Out SMS
- Positive Responses SMS
- Scheduled Call Events
- Pending Scheduled Calls
- Completed Scheduled Calls
- Canceled Scheduled Calls
- Human Answered Calls
- Leads Transferred to Agent
IVA Text Success Report
The Report displays the success percentage of Voso.ai Scenario Text/SMS Questions.
This Report displays the graph showing:
Success Percentage - Intent detected.
Total Undetected Percentage - Intent not detected.
From this Report, you can view whether Intent was Detected and the success of the Text/SMS question.
In the table, you will see:
- Success and Success % - The number and percentage of successful Scenario Questions.
- Undelivered and Undelivered % - The number of texts not delivered and the percentage of that.
- No Intent Detected and No Intent Detected % - The number of times intent was not detected in the Leads response and the percentage.
- Total Undetected and Total Undetected % - The amount of times an Intent could not be detected and that percentage.
IVA Voice Success Report
The IVA Voice Success Report is used to measure the success via the Questions asked by Voso.ai. Users can detect which Questions were successful (where Intent was detected) and which were not successful.
You must select a Scenario to run this report.
The Success of Questions in IVA Scenarios.
Success and Drop Percentage.
Drop is not a call drop; it is a call hang-up.
When the Lead received the Question, the number of Intents was successfully recognized vs. the number of Leads who hung up during that first Question.
Users can use this Report to see how changes can be made in the Scenario; if hang-ups happen in the intro before the Question, the Report will not show that they hung up on the Question.
Helps capture the DNC sooner.
For this Report, you need to select a specific IVA Scenario to check the Success of that particular Scenario.
1.) In the Select a scenario drop-down, there is a list of Scenarios for that Account.
Select the Scenario, and click the Include Detailed Questions checkbox if necessary.
2.) Select a Date Range in the Filter Date Range box.
- (A) Start and End Dates fields: Allow you to enter a custom date range.
- (B) Quick Date buttons: Allow you to auto-fill the Date fields with the range options.
- (C) Time fields: Allow you to specify Start and End time hours and minutes.
- (D) Click Apply to save your chosen Dates and Times.
Note: This Report does not include additional filters for Breakdown, etc., as other Reports do.
3.) Click the blue Run Report button.
In the results table, you can view the Scenario Question, the associated Success and Drops, and the percentages for each, Question Counts, Question times, Log minutes, and Drop minutes.
Speech to Text Report
This Report shows the Responses in a Voso.ai Campaign.
Works similarly to Virtual Agent Logs, but results are grouped by text, count percentage, and pie chart.
In the Speech-to-Text Report, you can view all the Prompts from Voso.ai in the results table and in the pie chart.
The pie chart is color-coded; hover the cursor over each slice to see the Prompt.
The Pie Chart Legend to the right of the pie chart shows the colors that go with each Prompt.
The results table shows the Prompts for the IVA in the Text column.
In the Virtual Agent Logs, under the Reports main menu and the Virtual Agent Logs menu option, you can view and cross-reference the Prompts you found in the Speech-to-Text Report.
- To learn more about Virtual Agent Logs, see Using Virtual Agent Logs.