In This Article:
The rules/filters to apply to Leads when inserting them into the Hopper via API. How to apply those rules/filters to Dialable and Non-Dialable Leads. Non-Dialable Leads will not be entered into the Hopper.
There is an option to configure titled When inserting leads via API and setting the parameter “Hopper=1” do the following:
- Click one of two options:
- Apply rules/filters before inserting into hopper
- Ignore rules/filters and insert into hopper to dial immediately
To insert a Dialable Lead apply the rule/filter HU
For a Non-Diable Lead apply the rule/filter WRONG so the Lead will not be entered into the Hopper.
On the Campaign Settings page, in the Leads tab under the API Lead Creation Settings section.
Rules/Filters for Inserting Leads via API
Insert the lead into the Hopper only if the created Lead is Dial-able
- This section only applies when inserting Leads into the Hopper via API.
Apply rules/filters before inserting into the Hopper.
1.) Status: Dialable (HU)
2.) Status: Non-Dialable (WRONG)
3.) Local Time: within the local time - OK
4.) Local Time: Outside the Local Time (6AM to 7AM)
5.) GMT Filter: Mountain Time (phone number 7064804422 is Eastern)
6.) GMT Filter: Eastern Time (phone number 7064804422 is Eastern)
7.) Advanced Lead Filter: State IS EQUAL TO CA (Lead State = AK)
8.) Advanced Lead Filter: State IS EQUAL TO CA (Lead State = CA)