This report will help determine if there are leads that have been stuck in a certain status where they have been called very few times and are no longer being called. The Status Lead Penetration Report will give the user multiple ways of looking the data to determine if leads are getting stuck in any given status.
By List w/ Status
- If the user clicks on the By List w/ Status tab the report page will refresh and will display the same table we built in the By Status tab, but this time we will display one table for every List.
- Display the List ID and List Name above the table
- In this case the Status name will NOT be hyperlinked to expand.
By Status
When clicking on a status name the table will expand to include all of the lists that are included based on the Campaign selection and we’ll show the breakdown of that status from each list. We’ll show the same data as we show for status, List ID including List Name, Total Leads, Total Calls, and the Penetration Rate indicator.
1. Total Leads - This will contain the count of Total Leads in this status across all Lists based on the Campaign selection.
2. Total Calls - This will contain the count of calls that have been made for these leads in the given status based on the Campaign selection
3. Penetration Rate - This will display an indicator which tells us how well penetrated the leads are in this status. We will look at the percent deviation from the Median calculation (see below for how to calculate) and we will use the following criteria to determine which indicator to display:
if >= +80 then “Very Bad” with Red background
if >= +20 & < +80 then “Bad” with Purple background
if >=0 & < +20 then “OK” with Orange background
>= -20 & < 0 then “Good” with Yellow background
< -20 then “Very Good” with Green background
4. Disposition Status - This will display the code and name of the disposition status (ie. “AM - Answering Machine“) for all of the statuses available based on the Campaign selection. Each status will be hyperlinked (see below for what happens when clicked).