The Affiliate Conversion Report tracks Campaign performance and Affiliate values based on Lead List source costs and Agent close rates. The report reveals which Affiliate is performing best based on sales conversion rates.
This article provides an overview of the elements of the Affiliate Conversion Report and instructions for running it.
- Before You Begin
- Common Questions
- Running the Affiliate Conversion Report
- Reading the Affiliate Conversion Report
Before You Begin
Affiliates, also known as Publishers, can be individuals or companies that market the seller's product appealingly to potential consumers.
The Affiliate promotes the product to persuade consumers that it is valuable or beneficial to them and convinces them to purchase it. If the consumer buys the product, the Affiliate receives a portion of the revenue.
- Affiliates often have a very specific audience to whom they market, generally adhering to that audience's interests. This creates a defined niche or personal brand that helps the Affiliate attract consumers who will most likely act on the promotion.
The Admin will run the report daily, looking at current data or totals for a week or a month to determine how various Publisher/Affiliate sources are performing.
- See Save or Delete Your Customized Report, to learn more about saving specific Report configurations and set a schedule for re-running them.
The Admin needs to see details per Affiliate source and an aggregate per List to clearly see which Campaign Lead sources are performing well and which ones are not.
Common Questions
How does this report differ from the List Conversion Report?
- Leads inserted into a single List can come from many different sources.
- The List Conversion Report can only report metrics on the List as a whole.
Why does this matter?
- This report will track Campaign performance and Affiliate value based on Lead List source costs and Agent close rates.
- Customers can now determine the true costs of the Lead broken down granularly into Sources and Sub-Sources.
- Key metrics customers can now obtain:
- Call Center Costs per Sale
- Call Center Costs per Hour
- Sales per Hour
Running the Affiliate Conversion Report
1.) Click the Reports main menu.
2.) Click the Custom Reports menu option.
The page will open on the Affiliate Conversion Report.
3.) Configure the Affiliate List Conversion Report settings:
Agent Costs section
The estimated cost per hour for Agents.- Admins can apply the cost in this field to all their Agents or only those missing cost data.
- Agent Cost is configured in User Settings.
- Admins can apply the cost in this field to all their Agents or only those missing cost data.
Cost per Lead per List section
The estimated cost of Leads per List.- Admins can apply the cost in this field to all their Lists or only those missing cost data.
Scrub Margin %
Scrub out those who already had the intent of not buying. -
Dialing Costs per Hour:
The cost of running the dialer per hour. -
Sub-Source 1 Field:
Sub-Affiliate one -
Sub-Source 2 Field:
Sub-Affiliate 2 -
Lead Cost Field:
Lead Form Field for cost.
Example: Sub-Source 1 is Lemonade Leads List. Sub-Source 2 is all the individual Lemonade Sellers from that List.
4.) Select a Date Range in the Filter Date Range box.
- (A) Start and End Dates fields: Allow you to enter a custom date range.
(B) Quick Date buttons: Allow you to auto-fill the Date fields with the range options.
- These buttons calculate based on the current date. Use them when configuring a Saved Report to prevent duplicate metrics when the system re-runs it.
- (C) Time fields: Allow you to specify Start and End time hours and minutes.
- (D) Click Apply to save your chosen Dates and Times.
4.) Configure any Filters you want applied to the Report:
- Call Types: Select from the types of calls to show in the Report: 3-way, Inbound, Outbound, and Manual.
- Users: Select from the Account Users to include in the Report.
- Campaigns: Select from the Campaigns.
- Queues: Select from the Queues.
- Statuses: Select from the system and custom statuses.
- Lists: Select from the Lead Lists.
Lead Data Filters: Select from the system and custom Lead Fields to filter against in the Report.
- Choose a Lead Field in the first drop-down.
- Choose an operator in the second drop-down.
- Enter the values to filter against in the third drop-down.
- Add Filter: Click this link to use multiple Lead Data Filters.
Note: Click the Clear Selected link to remove all the selections in a Filter.
5.) Click the Break Down tab to select Break Downs.
Horizontal Break Downs separate the data in the table based on the chosen filter.
- Break Down default is Sub Source.
- Without a Break Down Filter the Report will separate into Lists.
- Vertical Break Downs add columns to the table based on the chosen filter.
6.) Click the Status Group tab to configure filters for Contact Statuses and Sale Statuses.
Contact Statuses
All Dispositions/Statuses with contact set to Yes. -
Sale Statuses
All Dispositions/Statuses with success set to Yes.
- Click each field to see additional Statuses available.
- Click the close (x) button to remove Statuses.
7.) Click the Run Report button.
The Report will appear once it has finished processing. Admins can complete other tasks and will get a notification once it is ready.
Reading the Affiliate Conversion Report
The Affiliate Conversion Report will be shown as a group of tables. The number will be based on the number of available values for your Sub-Source.
List Source: This setting determines whether the Report is assessing the performance based on the List revenue, the Leads' quality, or both simultaneously. Changing this setting requires re-running the Report.
Called List:
This assesses the performance of the List based on the Leads that have been called while they were in this List during the time range selected. The Leads could have been moved to another List, but if they were dialed while in this List, we will show you the results of that.- This is best used to gauge the performance of each List.
Current List:
This is based on the the performance of Leads that are currently in this List only. If you dialed your Leads in ListA and then moved them to ListB, ListB will show you the performance of these Leads regardless of where they were dialed.-
This is best used to gauge the performance of the Leads that are currently in this List.
Original List:
This reports based on where your Leads originated, regardless of what Lists your Leads are in now.-
This is best used to gauge the revenue that a List produces and the quality of the Leads.
Table Data
Total number of Leads. -
Lead Cost:
The average cost per Lead. -
Agent Cost per Hour (ACH):
Estimated cost per hour for Agents based on cost data supplied. -
Dialing Costs per Hour:
Estimated costs for running the dialer per hour. -
Call Center Costs per Hour:
Total costs for Agents and Dialing per hour. -
Call Center Costs per Sale (CCS):
Call Center costs per Hour divided by Sales per Hour. -
Net of Scrub:
Total number of Leads multiplied by 100% minus the Scrub Margin. -
Cost of Leads:
The average cost per Lead multiplied by the Net of Scrub. -
Number of Calls:
The total number of calls placed in the date range. -
Number of Contacts:
The total number of Leads Dispositioned with a Contact Status. -
Contact %:
The total number of Contacts divided by the total number of calls. -
Number of Sales:
Total number of Leads Dispositioned with a Success Status. -
% Transfer:
Total number of Sales divided by the total number of Contacts. -
% Sale-Lead:
Total number of Sales divided by Net of Scrub. -
Cost per Sale:
The average cost per Lead divided by the total number of Sales. -
Total Cost per Sale:
Call Center Costs per Sale and Cost per Sale. -
Agent Talk Time (Hours):
Hours spent dialing each Sub ID. -
Sales per Hour (SPH):
Number of sales divided by the total Agent Talk Time.
Note: Due to the size of this Report, Admins will not be able to see all of the columns in their window. Scroll to the right of each row to see the additional columns.
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