This feature will allow you to set a maximum cost per transfer on Conversational AI or Voice Broadcast saved report. The Admin has the option to select what list to deactivate if the average cost per transfer reached or exceeds the maximum limit.
Note: This only applies for Conversational AI and Voice Broadcast lists.
From the Admin page, go to Reports and select Custom Report.
Under Common Reports, we need to open Cost Cap Monitor.
Click on Fixed Date Range and select the start and end time of the report that you would like to run. Then, click on Apply.
On Filters, click on Report Type and select what kind of report you would like to generate.
- Conversational AI
- Voice Broadcast
On Filters tab, you can use Call Types, Campaigns, Queues, Statuses or Lists.
Save the report by clicking on the Save Report button.
To have the report emailed to you, type in an email address into the Emails field. For multiple email addresses, add a comma and no space in between the addresses. Set the frequency to Hourly, Daily or Weekly and set the time that the report should be emailed.
Go to Saved Reports, and open the report you saved.
Click on Transfer Cost Cap Configuration button.
Enter the Maximum Average Transfer Cost and Minimum Call Place and select the list that you want to deactivate once the cost is reached or exceeded.
You can search for the list name or campaign name by typing the name on the search field.
You can also select the Base Type
- Basic Type List - This will allow the system to turn off the list selected once it reached the Maximum Average Transfer Cost.
- Basic Type Campaign - This will allow the system to turn off all the lists on the campaign once it reached the Maximum Average Transfer Cost.
Select the Action for notification:
- Notify Only
- Disable Only
- Notify and Disable
Enter the SMS number or Email address where the system will send the notification.
Click on Apply button once done.
As the sample below, I entered $0.50 as the Maximum Average Transfer Cost and set YES on one of the lists (Conversational AI Leads).
I select "Notify and Disable" for Perform the following Action.
Enter the SMS number and the Email address where the system will send the notification.
Run the report to see the current cost on the list selected.
The list "Conversational AI Leads" already exceeded the transfer cost and this list should be deactivated automatically by the system.
Go to the Lists section to see if the list deactivated automatically.
Verified that the list named Conversational AI Leads is now Inactive.