One of the API capabilities within Convoso's system is to insert Leads via API. This is an easy way to insert your Leads from a third-party vendor.
Before You Begin
To learn more about API and Convoso's API Menu options, see API Menu Options Documentation.
There are three required Arguments for the vendor's Request Query String:
- API Authentication Token
- List's ID
- Lead's Primary Phone Number
Note: Our system accepts HTTP POST in RAW format. We do not support nested parameters or multilevel arrays.
Insert Leads via API
1.) Click the API main menu.
2.) Click the Leads menu option.
The Leads API page will open on the Insert Leads tab.
The Insert Lead section defines all the Optional and Required arguments for inserting your Leads. The required Arguments are marked in red and are the minimum requirements for the request to work.
Note: When creating a Request Query String, make sure that you have values for the required fields.
Below the Arguments list are the Example PHP Usage and Example JSON Response sections.
3.) Click the Test Request tab to run a test.
4.) Configure the fields for your test insert.
- (A) Choose the correct Authentication Token in the auth_token drop-down.
- (B) Enter a List ID number in the list_id field.
(C) You can filter your numbers against your current and archived Lists and the DNC.
- The check_dup, check_dup_archive, and check_dnc can be set to any of the following values:
- If check_dup=0 is used, it will not filter any duplicate numbers.
- If check_dup=1 is used, it will check for duplicates against the entire Account.
- If check_dup=2 is used, it will check for duplicates against the list_id.
- If check_dup=3 is used, it will check for duplicates against the Campaign.
- The check_dup, check_dup_archive, and check_dnc can be set to any of the following values:
(D) The hopper fields control how the Hopper interacts with the inserted Leads.
- To add your Leads to the Hopper immediately, set the value of the hopper field to 1.
- Control the priority of the newly inserted Leads using the hopper_priority field.
- To set your Leads to remove after a certain time, set your value in the hopper_expires_in field.
- (E) Enter a 10-digit phone number in the phone_number field.
5.) Check the Show Query checkbox.
6.) Click the green Run button.
If everything is configured correctly, the JSON Response will show as a success, including the Lead ID of the created Lead.
Note: The "id" parameter will be displayed on the response by default (This is configured for integrating with Zapier and should not have any effect on other 3rd-party platforms).
Search API Inserted Leads
1.) Click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Leads menu option.
The Manage Leads page will open.
3.) (Optional) Configure the Start/End Date fields to only search a specific date range.
4.) Configure the Filter By fields:
- (A) Select Created By in this drop-down.
- (B) Select With/In in this second drop-down.
- (C) Select System API User from this third drop-down.
5.) Click the green Search button.
Your API Inserted Leads will show below.
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