Agents can connect to the Agent Interface in different ways. An external phone with Shared Extensions is typically used with Convoso's PBX functionality. This article will show how Agents can log in when using this connection.
Logging in Using an External Phone with Shared Extensions
1.) Open your Chrome web browser and go to https://agent.convoso.com/login.
2.) Log in to the Agent Interface:
- (A) Email: Enter your email address.
- (B) Password: Enter your password.
- (C) Sign In: Click this button to log in.
The Campaign Selection window will open.
3.) Choose your Campaign and Availability.
- (A) Campaign: Select the Campaign you want to receive calls for in this drop-down.
- (B) Availability: Select the Status, which determines whether you will receive calls once logged in.
The Dial-in Number window will open.
4.) Dial the number and enter the pin using your External Phone.
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