This option allows the Admin to configure the Follow Me settings. This article goes over all the associated settings with forwarding calls to other Extensions or Destinations.
Add a Follow Me
1.) Click the Phone System main menu.
2.) Click the Follow Me menu option.
The Show Follow Me page will open.
3.) Click the Extension # or the green Add button.
The New Follow Me page will open on the Settings tab.
4.) Configure the Follow Me Options.
(A) Extension:
Displays the number for this Extension. To use a different Extension, return to the steps above. -
(B) Disable:
By default, any call to this Extension will go to this Follow-Me instead, including directory calls by name from IVRs. If toggled to Yes, calls will go only to the Extension. However, Destinations that specify Follow Me will come here.- Clicking this toggle is often used in conjunction with a VmX locater, where you want a call to ring the Extension, and then only if the caller chooses to find you do you want it to come here.
(C) Initial Ring Time:
This is the number of seconds to ring the Primary Extension before proceeding to the Follow Me list. The Extension can also be included in the Follow Me list. A 0 setting will result in the system bypassing the Primary Extension. -
(D) Ring Strategy:
Determines the rules and order for how the system will ring the Extension(s).- ringallv2: Ring Extension for the duration set in the Initial Ring Time, and then, while continuing the call to an Extension, ring Follow Me List.
- ringall: Ring Extension for the duration set in Initial Ring Time, and then terminate the call to Extension and ring Follow Me List for the duration set in Ring Time.
- hunt: Take turns ringing each available Extension.
- memoryhunt: Ring the first Extension in the list, then the 1st and 2nd Extension, then the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Extension in the list, etc.
- -prim: The Modes ending in prim act as those described above. However, if the Primary Extension (first in the list) is occupied, the other Extensions will not be rung. If the Primary is DND, it won't be rung. If the Primary is CF unconditional, then all will be rung.
- firstavailable: Ring only the first available channel.
- firstnotonphone: Ring only the first channel which is not off-hook - ignore Call Waiting.
(E) Ring Time (max 60 sec):
Time in seconds that the phones will ring. For all hunt-style ring strategies, this is the time for each iteration of phone(s) that are rung. -
(F) Follow Me List:
List extensions or external numbers to ring.- Highlight Extensions with your mouse and move them between the Added Extensions and Not Added Extensions groups.
- Move individual Extensions by clicking the < or > buttons.
- To move all Extensions, click the << or >> buttons.
- Highlight Extensions with your mouse and move them between the Added Extensions and Not Added Extensions groups.
(G) Add External Number:
Add custom phone number to Follow Me List.- Enter the phone number in the field and click the blue Add button.
(H) Recording:
Message to be played to the caller before dialing this group. -
(I) Play Music On Hold?:
If you select a Music on Hold class to play instead of Ring, they will hear that instead of Ringing while they are waiting for someone to pick up. -
(J) CID Name Prefix:
You can optionally prefix the Caller ID name when ringing extensions in this group. i.e., If you prefix with Sales: a call from John Doe would display as Sales: John Doe on the Extensions that ring.
5.) Set your Call Confirmation Configuration.
(A) Confirm Calls:
Enable this if you're calling External numbers needing confirmation - e.g., a mobile phone may go to voicemail to pick up the call. Enabling this requires the remote side to push 1 on their phone before the call is put through. This feature only works with the ringall/ringall-prim ring strategy. -
(B) Remote Recording:
Message to be played to the person receiving the call, if Confirm Calls is enabled.- See Add a PBX Recording to create additional PBX Recordings.
(C) Too-Late Recording:
Message to be played to the person receiving the call, if the call has already been accepted before they push 1.- See Add a PBX Recording to create additional PBX Recordings.
6.) Set up the Change External CID Configuration.
(A) Mode:
Determines the external Caller ID.- Default: Transmits the Caller's CID if allowed by the trunk.
- Fixed CID Value: Always transmit the Fixed CID Value below.
- Outside Calls Fixed CID Value: Transmit the Fixed CID Value below on calls that come in from outside only. Internal Extension to Extension calls will continue to operate in Default.
- Use Dialed Number: Transmit the number that was dialed as the CID for calls coming from outside. Internal Extension to Extension calls will continue to operate in Default. There must be a DID on the inbound route for this. This will be Blocked on trunks that block foreign Caller IDs.
- Force Dialed Number: Transmit the number that was dialed as the CID for calls coming from outside. Internal Extension to Extension calls will continue to operate in Default Mode. There must be a DID on the Inbound Route for this. This will be transmitted on trunks that block foreign Caller IDs.
(B) Fixed CID Value:
This field specifies the Fixed CID Value for the CID Modes that require one. It is inactive when you choose a Mode that does not need a Fixed CID Value. The format should be digits only.
7.) Configure your Destination if no answer setting.
(A) Destination options include:
- Announcements: Plays a pre-recorded audio file.
Call Center Queues: Routes to any of your Call Center Queues.
Callback: Routes to a Callback which has a destination of its own.
Conferences: Routes to one of your PBX Conferences.
Conversational AI: Routes to a Virtual Agent.
Directory: Routes the call to a User Directory.
Extensions: Routes the call to a specific Agent's extension.
External Numbers: Routes the call to an external number.
IVA (Virtual Agent): Routes the call to a Voso.ai Campaign.
IVR: Routes the call to an IVR.
PBX Queues: Routes the call to one of your PBX Queues.
Queues Priority: Routes call to one of your PBX Queues Priorities.
Ring Groups: Routes to one of your Ring Groups. Which are used to ring multiple Extensions simultaneously or in sequence.
Terminate Call: Ends the call as Busy, Congestion, or Hangup.
Time Conditions: Routes to one of your Time Conditions.
Voicemail: Routes to a specific Agent's Voicemail box.
- (B) The options in this field depend on your selection in (A).
8.) Click the blue Apply Changes button.
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