In this Article:
You can find the steps for creating and deleting TrustedForm Plugins in the Convoso system. After reading, you will know how to use TrustedForm within Convoso and how the two applications can work together.
- What is TrustedForm?
- Before You Begin
- Create TrustedForm Plugins
- Agent Interface Experience
- Delete a TrustedForm Plugin
What is TrustedForm?
TrustedForm is a Lead Certification service that independently captures what happens when a consumer fills out a web form and allows you to watch it later with VideoReplay. It also helps you comply with regulations like the TCPA by documenting consumer consent.
Certificate of Authenticity (e.g ad3314068a85bf685d20a047c0e56ce22e748060) - This certificate was issued by from Active Prospects, the independent Lead certification authority.
It certifies the following information about the Lead:
1. When did they visit?
a. Visit Date
b. Visit Time
c. Time on page
2. Where did they visit?
a. Page URL
3. Who visited?
a. Remote IP Address
b. Geographical Location (Approximate)
c. Browser
d. Operating System
4. What did they see?
a. TrustedForm captures a copy of the website as the consumer saw it. It is called Snapshot.
- The Snapshot is a copy of the full HTML and images of the page that is stored on their server. This allows interacting with the page as it existed at the time the consumer completed the form.
Before you Begin
- Required:
- TrustedForm Plugins require a TrustedForm Certificate Field to hold the link when it populates.
- To learn more about Custom Fields, see Add a Custom Field to Lead Layouts.
- Note: Field types for this purpose must be Text, Textarea, or Textarea-Long.
- TrustedForm Plugins require a TrustedForm Certificate Field to hold the link when it populates.
- Optional:
- Convoso Connects can also be used with this Plugin.
- Using a Convoso Connect with your TrustedForm Plugin is optional.
- To learn more about Convoso Connect, see Adding a Convoso Connect.
- Convoso Connects can also be used with this Plugin.
Create TrustedForm Plugins
1.) Click the Apps main menu.
2.) Click the TrustedForm menu option.
The Show TrustedForm Plugins page will open.
3.) Click on the Add TrustedForm Plugin button.
The Create TrustedForm Plugin window will open.
4.) Complete the following:
- A: Name - Name of the TrustedForm Plugin
- B: TrustedForm Certificate Field - Field used for TrustedForm.
- C: Convoso Connect (Optional) - Select the Convoso Connect for Integration
- D: Status - Set to Active or Inactive
5.) Click the green Create button.
A Success window will open.
6.) Click the Close button.
7.) Locate and click the name of the Campaign for this Plugin.
This will open the Campaign Settings page on the General tab.
8.) Choose the TrustedForm Plugin that you created from the TrustedForm Plugin drop-down.
9.) Click the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the General Settings tab.
Agent Interface Experience
To see the TrustedForm Plugin from the Agent's perspective, follow these steps.
1.) Login as an Agent to the Campaign with the Plugin.
2.) Once the agent received a call, the Get TrustedForm Certificate button will appear.
Note: It takes about six seconds for the button to show.
After clicking the Get TrustedForm certificate, the Agent will get a confirmation button.
An HTTP link will be generated in the TrustedForm field.
Clicking the link or the red button will direct you to the that certifies the following information of the Lead.
In the top-left of the form, you can see the Certificate and Video tabs.
Delete a TrustedForm Plugin
1.) Click the Apps main menu.
2.) Click the TrustedForm menu option.
The Show TrustedForm Plugins page will open.
3.) Click on the Action gear-wheel button of the TrustedForm and select Delete.
A dependency window will appear that the TrustedForm Plugin is used on other applications.
- In order to delete the TrustedForm Plugin, you need to remove or unassign it from another application.
4.) Click the View button to redirect you to the Settings where this TrustedForm Plugin is used.
The Campaign Settings page will open in a new tab.
5.) Select Disable or a different plugin in the TrustedForm Plugin drop-down.
6.) Click Apply Changes to save.
7.) Once the TrustedForm Plugin is removed from the other application, click on the Refresh button.
The window will change to show, Are you sure you want to continue...
8.) Click the red Delete button.
The Plugin deleted successfully window will open.
9.) Click the Close button.