In This Article:
Leadspedia is a web-based performance marketing platform that allows users to capture, validate, and deliver leads, manage affiliates, track and route inbound calls, view real-time reports.
LeadsPedia enables users to capture specific lead information through custom fields, which can be filtered by campaigns, offers, affiliates, or clients. Fields can be mapped based on the specific needs of their clients, to ensure leads match clients’ requirements. Duplicate check rules are customizable, with various combinations of data, including first and last name, email address, and phone number, and the ability to create rules based on the time frame in which duplicate lead generation forms are completed.
Note: You need to have an account with LeadsPedia to have a LeadsPedia API Key.
(Sample LeadsPedia API Key: 68a90737816b1c99597c497580e26703)
Once you have a LeadsPedia API Key, follow the steps below to set it up.
Create a LeadsPedia Plugin
1.) Click the Apps main menu.
2.) Click the LeadsPedia menu option.
3.) In the LeadsPedia API Key field, enter a LeadsPedia API Key.
4.) Click the blue Save button.
- Note: System will not allow you to save the Leadspedia API Key if it's not a valid key.
A Success confirmation window will open.
5.) Click the Close button
6.) Click the Add LeadsPedia Plugin button.
The Add a Plugin page will open.
7.) Select settings in the fields in the App a Plugin section.
- Configure the following options:
- Name
Name of the LeadsPedia Plugin. - Plugin Label
Enter a label- (ex: Click Here!, Get Result!, Get Quotes!, Submit!, etc..)
- Offer
See the option explanations in the Offer Field Option Definitions section below.
This option will open the Campaign selection field, and the Lead Fields section. -
These are the Campaigns from LeadsPedia. -
Delay Seconds
Set a number of seconds to delay the process.
- Name
Offer Field Option Definitions
- 1. First Scenario - Insurance (Post Transfer Distribute) Phone in Response - (DONE)
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one row with no buyer name and one button Dial, one click will do a 3-way call to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one row with no buyer name and one button Dial, one click will do a 3-way call to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- 1. First Scenario - Insurance (Post Transfer Distribute) Phone NOT in Response - (DONE)
- (not needed, doesn't have numbers to transfer to)
- (not needed, doesn't have numbers to transfer to)
- 2. Second Scenario - Insurance (Post Transfer Distribute) Advertisers + Phone in Response (DONE)
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one or multiple rows and one button Dial for each, on click will do another post to LeadsPedia, before the dial, in case the second post was also successful a 3-way call will be placed to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one or multiple rows and one button Dial for each, on click will do another post to LeadsPedia, before the dial, in case the second post was also successful a 3-way call will be placed to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- 2. Second Scenario - Insurance (Post Transfer Distribute) Advertisers Only in Response (DONE)
- (not needed, doesn't have numbers to transfer to)
- (not needed, doesn't have numbers to transfer to)
- 3. Third Scenario - Insurance (Post Transfer Manual Distribute)
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia,, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one row with no buyer name and two buttons, Dial and Post Call Data, Post Call Data should be disabled until the Dial is clicked(won’t be, for now, will fix it tomorrow) on click to Dial will do a 3-way call to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown. In case of click to the Post Call Data, the current lead will be posted to Leadspedia in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia,, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one row with no buyer name and two buttons, Dial and Post Call Data, Post Call Data should be disabled until the Dial is clicked(won’t be, for now, will fix it tomorrow) on click to Dial will do a 3-way call to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown. In case of click to the Post Call Data, the current lead will be posted to Leadspedia in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- 4. Fourth Scenario - Insurance (Post Distribute No Transfer) Advertisers in Response (DONE)
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia,, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one or multiple rows and one button Dial for each, on click a 3-way call will be placed to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- On click will do a post to LeadsPedia,, if the post was successful the transfer modal will be opened with one or multiple rows and one button Dial for each, on click a 3-way call will be placed to the number that was returned from LeadsPedia, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- 5. Fifth Scenario - Insurance (Call Verified)
- When clicked will do a post to Leadspedia, if the post was successful a green modal box with the returned message will be displayed, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- When clicked will do a post to Leadspedia, if the post was successful a green modal box with the returned message will be displayed, in case of failing a warning modal will be shown.
- 6. Sixth Scenario - Post Transfer Manual Distribute (Show Advertisers)
- (not working correctly right now, advertiser params are missing, can be skipped)
- (not working correctly right now, advertiser params are missing, can be skipped)
8.) Click the blue Create Plugin button at the very bottom of the Add a Plugin page.
- Once a LeadsPedia Plugin is created, the system will automatically create fields such as lp_affiliate_id, lp_lead_id, lp_campaign_id, lp_offer_id, lp_vertical_id for mapping fields.
- Note: If the field capacity of text fields is reached and LeadsPedia default fields were not generated. You will receive a Warning Message.
- The system automatically creates Custom Fields for LeadsPedia that you cannot delete or edit.
- LeadsPedia Lead ID
- LeadsPedia Affiliate ID
- LeadsPedia Campaign ID
- LeadsPedia Offer ID
- LeadsPedia Vertical ID
- You can view these fields in the Lead Layouts & Fields page, under the CRM main menu.
9.) Next, map the fields on the Edit Plugin page under the Lead Fields section from Convoso to LeadsPedia fields.
- Note: You cannot map the fields to multiple Leads.
10.) Click the set date format link to select the format for dates that you would like to be displayed.
11.) Select the Date Format from the drop-down.
12.) Click the Ok button.
13.) Call Log Info mapping section is also available if you need to send or receive call log information.
14.) You will also see the Extra Fields mapping section if you need to map the extra fields based on the user's custom fields.
15.) Click the Apply Change button at the bottom of the page below the Extra Fields section once you are done.
Add the LeadsPedia Plugin to a Script
1.) Click the CRM main menu
2.) Click the Scripts menu option.
The Show Scripts page will open.
3.) Click the Name of the Script, or click the Action drop-down in the Action column of the Script and select the Settings drop-down option.
The Edit Script page will open.
4.) Right-Click on any element of the Script.
5.) Click the Edit drop-down option.
The Edit Point window will open.
6.) In the Available Plugins field, select the API Plugin from the drop-down.
7.) Click the blue Insert button.
The Plugin will show in the Text field as part of the Script.
Click on Apply and this plugin will be added on the Script window on the Agent page.
Deleting a LeadsPedia Plugin
In order to delete the LeadsPedia Plugin, you need to remove or unassign it from other applications.
1.) Open the Show Plugins page and find the LeadsPedia Plugin.
2.) In the Action column of the Plugin, click the Action drop-down button.
3.) Click the Delete drop-down option.
A Deletion Confirmation window will open.
- If the LeadsPedia Plugin has not been removed from other applications, the window will show where the Plugin needs to be removed from.
- Click the View button to open a separate Browser Tab for the settings where this Google Map Plugin is used.
- Return to the Browser Tab with the Deletion Confirmation window once the Google Map Plugin is removed from other applications.
4.) Click the Refresh button, the window will confirm that you are sure you want to delete the Plugin.
5.) Click the Delete button.
- Click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.
The Deletion Success window will open.
6.) Click the Close button to close the window and return to the Show Plugins page.