Lead Drips are an extremely powerful tool for Lead Management. They can move Leads from one List to another or change their Status overnight.
Lead Drips run each night after midnight and cannot be run manually.
Before You Begin
Some ways Admins might use Lead Drips are:
- Moving large amounts of Leads from a hot Campaign to a warm Campaign.
- Move disconnected numbers to their own List so that they can easily be removed from the system, thus freeing up Lead Capacity.
- Move all Leads with a specific Zip Code to a specific List for location-based dialing.
Create a Lead Drip
1.) Click the Apps main menu.
2.) Click the Drips menu option.
3.) Click the Add Drip button.
The Add a List Drip page will open.
4.) Enter a Name for the Drip.
5.) Click the Create Drip button.
The View Lead Drip page will open on the Drip Settings tab.
6.) Configure the Drip's remaining settings.
- (A) Priority: Select the Drip's Priority level in the drop-down.
- (B) Status: Click the toggle to Active.
- (C) Frequency: Select how often the Drip will run in the drop-down.
- (D) Email: Enter the email addresses that will receive a summary of this Drip's activity every time it runs.
7.) Click the Apply Changes button.
8.) Click the Workflow Automation tab.
9.) Select the Lists the Lead Drip can access. The Lead Drip will only be able to move Leads in the Lists chosen in this section.
- (A) All Lists: Settings this toggle to Yes will allow the Drip to access all current and future Lead Lists.
(B) Assign specific Lists to use with this Drip:
Highlight Lists with your mouse and move them to the Lists within this Drip group.- Move individual Lists by clicking the < or > buttons.
- To move all Lists, click the << or >> button.
10.) Select the Statuses the Lead Drip can access. The Lead Drip will only be able to move Leads with the Statuses chosen in this section.
- (A) All Statuses: Settings this toggle to Yes will allow the Drip to access all current and future Statuses.
(B) Assign specific Statuses to use with this Drip:
Highlight Statuses with your mouse and move them to the Statuses within this Drip group.- Move individual Statuses by clicking the < or > buttons.
- To move all Statuses, click the << or >> button.
11.) Select the Users the Lead Drip can access. The Lead Drip will only be able to move Leads with the Statuses chosen in this section.
- (A) All Users: Settings this toggle to Yes will allow the Drip to access all current and future Users.
(B) Assign specific Users to use with this Drip:
Highlight Users with your mouse and move them to the Users within this Drip group.- Move individual Users by clicking the < or > buttons.
- To move all Users, click the << or >> button.
12.) Click the Add Field button and configure Lead Field triggers.
- (A) Field: Select the Lead Field in this drop-down.
- (B) Operator: Select an operator in this drop-down.
- (C) Value: Enter the value used to define your trigger here. The Lead Drip will only trigger when all the requirements are met.
13.) Configure Time Triggers. Choose an operator in the drop-down and enter the value for the calculation in the field.
- (A) Days Idle: This setting tells the Lead Drip to move matching Leads that an Admin or Agent has not modified for a specific number of days.
- (B) Days Old: This setting tells the Lead Drip to move matching Leads that are a specific number of days old.
(C) Call Count: This setting tells the Lead Drip to move matching Leads based on their Call Count.
- (D) Days Since Last Called: This setting tells the Lead Drip to move matching Leads that Agents have not called for a specific number of days.
14.) Configure the Drip's Actions.
- (A) Move all Lead Drip results to List: Select a destination List for all the Leads moved by this Lead Drip in this drop-down.
- (B) Set the Status of all Lead Drip results to: Select a Status for the Drip to assign to all the Leads it moves in this drop-down.
15.) Click the Apply Changes button.
16.) Click the Dry Run button to see an estimate of the number of Leads that will be moved based on the Lead Drips configuration.
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