Convoso values customer feedback as we want to ensure a satisfying experience with our product. Feature requests allow our clientele to outline their needs from the product that still need to be met. They were previously submitted through Customer Success Managers and Support Agents. Now, with our new tool, they can be raised directly in the Convoso application.
Submitting a New Request
1.) Click the Submit a Request button in the main menu.
The Feature Request widget will open to the right of your screen.
2.) Click the Make a Suggestion button.
3.) Enter your request details in the form.
(A) What is your problem or Request?:
Enter your Request in a single sentence; you can think of this as a title or email subject. -
(B) What are you trying to achieve?:
Enter a description of the ability or goal you want to achieve with the new feature. -
(C) What is your current workaround? (Optional):
Describe how you use Convoso's current features to fulfill this need.
4.) Click the Submit request button.
The Request Submitted confirmation will show.
5.) Click the Home icon to return to the Dashboard or click the X icon to close the widget.
Request Process
Requests will go through various Statuses as they are processed, and the system will email updates for all stages: Planned, Building, and Released.
A Declined Status means we will not implement your suggestion at this time, decisions like these are always challenging, and multiple factors contribute to them; not every suggestion can be accepted.
Edit a Request
1.) Click the Submit a Request main menu option.
The Feature Request widget will open to the right of your screen.
2.) Click one of your Requests under My Priorities.
The Request will open and show the details.
3.) Click the Edit icon.
The Edit Request form will open.
4.) Enter new details in the Request fields. For a description of these fields, refer to the Submitting a New Request section above.
5.) Click the Save Changes button.
Comment on a Request
1.) Click the Submit a Request main menu option.
The Feature Request widget will open to the right of your screen.
2.) Scroll down and click on a Request under My Priorities or Suggested by Others.
The Request page will open.
3.) Click the Discussion arrow.
4.) Enter a comment in the Discussion field.
5.) Click the Add Comment button.
The Comment will appear below.
Request Actions
These are additional ways that you can interact with Requests made by yourself and other Admins.
Voting on a Request
There are two ways to vote on a Request.
- (A) Thumbs-up icon: Indicates that you want this Request and adds it to your My Priorities list.
- (B) Snooze icon: Indicates this is unimportant to you and ensures you will no longer see it when you open the Request Widget or Portal.
- (C) See your previous choices: Click this link to see Requests you previously snoozed and click the Snooze icon to put them back on your Dashboard.
Rating Priorities
Your Priorities list consists of Requests you have created and others you have thumbs-uped. When you have more than one Priority Request, you can rate them by importance.
- Move your slider back and forth on your Priorities.
- Note: When you move a slider up on one Priority, the rating on your others goes down automatically.
Subscribing to a Request signs you up for email updates about the status.
- You are automatically subscribed to your Priority Requests.
- You can subscribe to other requests by clicking the Subscribe to this link on the Request page.
Web Portal
The web portal lets you do everything in the Feedback widget in a larger format.
1.) Click the Submit a Request button in the main menu.
The Feature Request widget will open to the right of your screen.
2.) Click the expand button to open the Feedback Portal.
Note: The Feedback Portal will open in your current tab, so you will need to open the Admin Dashboard in a new tab.
3.) Navigate the Dashboard as you would in the Feedback Widget. Refer to the sections above for all the details for submitting and interacting with Feature Requests.
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