How to search for Inbound Numbers that were blocked or flagged by Carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and FCC Consumer Complaints.
For more about the ClearCallerID Dashboard, see: Convoso ClearCallerID™
Searching for Blocked or Flagged Numbers
1.) Click the Account main menu.
2.) Click the Inbound Numbers menu option.
The Manage DIDs page will open.
In the Caller ID Reputation Statistics section, you can view the number of DIDs that have been blocked or flagged by AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and the amount of FCC Complaints.
- When the page first opens, the Daily Statistics section will be collapsed.
- Click the arrow next to the title to expand this panel.
4.) To search the flagged or blocked numbers, use the Filter By fields.
- A: Select Caller ID Reputation from this drop-down.
- B: Select the entity that flagged or blocked:
- Flagged or Blocked by Any
- Flagged or Blocked by AT&T
- Flagged or Blocked by Complaints
- Flagged or Blocked by T-Mobile
- Flagged or Blocked by Verizon
- Not Flagged or Blocked
- C: Order By options include: Country, Created At, DID Type, Inbound Number, Name, Route To, and Status.
- D: Select Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
6.) Click the green Search button to display the results in the table below.