In This Article:
How to remove Leads from the Hopper that came from Workflow Automation.
The system empties the Hopper if there are no more Agents logged in to the Campaign but Leads that came from Workflow Automation stay in the Hopper.
1.) From the Admin Account Dashboard, click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Click the name of the Campaign or click the Action drop-down button in the Action column and select Settings.
The Campaign Settings page will open.
4.) Click on the Hopper tab.
5.) Find the Remove leads with 'WA' hopper source field.
6.) Click the slide option to Yes or No.
- Set to Yes - The system will remove the Leads from the Hopper.
- Set to No - The system will keep the Leads in the Hopper.
7.) Click the blue Apply Changes button.