If you are allowing your agents to use their voicemail, this article will guide you on how to manage your agent's voicemail from the admin portal. You can search for voicemails, forward voicemails to another user, move voicemails to a different folder and email voicemails to an email address.
From the Admin Dashboard, click on Account and then Extensions/Voicemails.
Search the agent name and click on Action button and select Edit.
Under Manage Voicemail, click on the drop down under Change Folder in which the system will look for the recordings.
You can also use Start/End Date in searching for Voicemail and Order By to sort it in either Ascending or Descending order. Click on the Search button when done.
If you want to Forward the voicemail to another agent. Select the voicemail, click on the Forward To drop down and select the agent name you would like to forward the voicemail to.
Once done, You will receive a Success window and click on Close button.
If you want to Move the voicemail to another folder, select the voicemail, click on the Move To drop down and select the name of the folder to move it to.
If you want to send the voicemail to an email address, select the voicemail from the list, enter the email address where you want to send the voicemail and click on the Email To button.