This is an introductory guide for navigating the Agent Interface and the available functions therein. For more detailed instructions for completing a specific task, we have additional articles that give step-by-step walkthroughs.
- Logging In
- Connecting Headset
- Dashboard Icon
- CRM Icon
- Phone Icon
- Knowledge Icon
- Broadcast Icon
- Switch Campaigns
- Status Menu
- Email Address Menu
- Outbound Call Controls
- WrapUp
- Lead Layout Controls
- Logging Out
Logging In
Starting with the Convoso login page.
1.) Sign in with your username and password as provided by your Administrator.
2.) The Agent Interface will open with a modal pop-up window, in which the Agent needs to select the Campaign they would like to log in to and set their availability Status.
- (A) Select Campaign from this drop-down.
- (B) We recommend that Agents do not log in as Available, as it does not give them much time to get settled, as they may get a call within seconds of logging in.
Connecting Headset
The advice below is for connecting your headset for the first time in the Google Chrome browser.
The first time that you connect to the Agent Interface, you will need to allow access to your microphone.
- Once connected, you will hear a Welcome message.
If you don't hear the Welcome message in your headset, you must check the selected microphone.
- Click the microphone icon in your address bar.
- A popout will show the microphone selected.
- You may need to change the default in your computer settings; in this case, the microphone drop-down will be greyed out.
Dashboard Icon
We will start at the far left with the speedometer icon representing the Agent Dashboard page.
This is the landing page once an Agent has logged into a Campaign. Not all Administrators utilize this page, so it may not show in your Agent Console.
- The Dashboard shows your Status and critical call data at a glance. This view allows Agents to track their performance easily.
- After looking at a Lead or taking a phone call, you can use this button to navigate back to the Dashboard.
Dashboard Explained
As you can see, the Agent Dashboard is large and covers a lot of data related to Agent performance and the Call Center's operations. Not all Administrators use this screen, so it may not be included in your Agent Console.
(A) Call Queue Stats
Across the top of the page, you can see:
- The number of Agents waiting for calls.
- The number of Agents currently on a call.
- The number of Outbound Calls currently waiting to be answered.
- The number of Inbound Calls currently waiting to be answered.
(B) Dashboard Graphs
Past 7 days:
Allows you to see your performance for the last 7 days.
How many calls you have taken Outbound, Inbound, and manual. -
Today’s Performance:
Allows you to see your Talk Time, Wait Time, Pause Time, and Handle Time for the current day.
Past 7 days:
(C) Outbound & Inbound Skills
- If enabled, you can see what your Skill Level has been set to, +9 through -9.
CRM Icon
Next, the white folder icon opens the CRM panel, and we will define the default tabs, Leads, Callbacks, and History. Your view may vary depending on how your Administrator has customized the panel.
- Leads Tab: allows you to search for and filter Leads.
Important: All searches within this field must be exact. If you are looking for a Lead named Jennifer, and enter Jen, the search work will not work. You must put in Jennifer.
Filters: In the top-left corner of the Leads Tab is a Filters button.
These filters will allow you to search for Leads based on specific criteria.
- This button may not be available depending on how your Administrator has customized the Agent Interface.
Search bar: This is where you will enter the search criteria for a Lead when not using Advanced Filters.
You can search for Leads by using the following information. Click the Enter Key to complete the search.
First Name (Exact Match)
Last Name (Exact Match)
Lead ID (Exact Match)
Phone Number (Exact Match)
- Callbacks Tab: If you have Personal Callbacks enabled, you will be able to see a list of all Personal Callbacks on this tab.
- Use the Search bar to find specific Callbacks just like you would search Leads.
- Click the Calendar Icon, and your Personal Callbacks will be displayed in a Calendar view.
We recommend either using the day or week view so you can see an entire day's worth of Callbacks, rather than a small sampling. |
History Tab: Here, you can see all of your calls from the last 24 hours.
Use the Search bar to find a call in the History Tab the same way you can in the Leads Tab.
- Each call has a separate entry, so you may see multiple with the same Lead.
- SMS Tab: Here, you can see all of your recent SMS conversations. This tab is part of an optional feature only available to SMS-enabled Accounts.
- Use the Search bar to find a conversation in the SMS Tab the same way you can in the Leads Tab.
- Conversations with unread messages will show a blue dot.
- Clicking any of the conversations will open the SMS Chat window.
Phone Icon
The third icon in the top left is the Phone icon, which opens a Dial Pad.
The phone icon is a multifunctional tool.
Connection Status:
- If White, you are connecting with the software.
- If Green you have a connection to the server.
- If Red you have lost your connection to the software.
This icon will often flash red, and the connection will be restored.- If it stays red, you may need to reboot your router or do some troubleshooting.
- If it stays red, you may need to reboot your router or do some troubleshooting.
Connection to Voicemail Setup:
Click the Green Phone icon and select Call VM.
This will guide you through setting up your voicemail if needed.-
Your Administrator can provide your voicemail password.
Navigation through a Press 1 menu:
If you find that you have reached an automated system asking for you to enter an extension, press 1 to speak to a live person, etc., then use this Dial Pad to input the numbers needed.
Muting and unmuting your Headset:
You can use the Mute button in the Dial Pad to mute your headset within the Interface.
While muted, the button changes to Unmute, and you can click again to reverse.
Knowledge Icon
Clicking the Lightbulb icon will take you directly to the Agent FAQs category of the Convoso Knowledge Base, which provides Agents with specific articles regarding the Agent Interface.
- Through the Convoso User Support Portal, you can also track and submit Support tickets within the Help Center. See Registering and Using the Support Portal to learn more.
The Agent FAQs Category is all about topics relating to the Agent experience. Within it are five Sections of resources for the Agent Interface and all the tools within.
Broadcast Icon
The Megaphone icon is for Broadcast Messaging.
Your Administrator has the option to send a message to their Agents as Broadcasts.
This can be sent to all Agents or one and can also be a general message (notification) or something urgent (alert).
The White Megaphone button: means there are no pending messages for you to acknowledge.
The Green Megaphone button: means a message waiting for you to acknowledge, but it is not urgent.
You will have to click the Broadcast icon to see the message.
An Alert or urgent message from the Administrator will automatically pop up in a modal window with the message on the Agent's screen, and you have to Acknowledge the message before moving on.
Switch Campaigns
Here, while in a Not Ready Status, you can Switch Campaigns without having to log out and back in.
Select a Not Ready (Red) Status.
Click Switch Campaigns.
A drop-down menu will open, displaying all of the available Campaigns.
Select the Campaign you would like to log in to, and at the bottom left corner of the screen, the Campaign Name will change.
Status Menu
This is where the Agent can select what Status they need to be in.
Available: The only green option in the drop-down, the word available, cannot be changed.
Allows you to go into a Ready Status, and you will now be available to take calls. -
The Red Option: These can vary greatly. You may see a simple Not Ready option here and nothing more. You also might see things like Training, Meeting, Lunch, etc.
The Black Option: The black options are Logout options. It may read as Logout, though this can vary based on your Administrator's preference.
When in Ready Status, it will say Waiting for call on the upper left side of the page.
Email Address Menu
Click the Email Address in the top-right corner of the screen.
Here you can see the following:
Your assigned Queues. Clicking this option opens the Inbound Queues window where you can Assign and Unassign your Queues. To learn more, Assign Queues in the Agent Interface.
Shows the number of new Voicemails.
Call Logs: History of calls taken that day with optional recordings. To learn more, see Agent Interface Call Logs.
SMS Logs: History of any SMS messages that have been sent that day.
Missed Calls: Record of missed calls that came to your Queue.
Hot Keys: List of Hot Keys if made available.
- Profile: You can see and update your First Name, Last Name, Password, and Avatar. To learn more, see Edit Agent Profile from Agent Interface.
Audio Settings: Here, you can adjust your headphone settings.
Audio Output Device: Select which headphones you would like to use.
Output Volume: Determine the volume of the connected phone calls in your headset.
Audio Input Device: Select which microphone you would like to use.
Input Volume: Determine how loud your microphone will be.
This may require testing to ensure the best possible results.
Account ID: Lists the ID of the Account you are logged in to.
User ID: Provides the individual's User ID Number.
Outbound Call Controls
When an Outbound Call connects, you will hear the sound of a ding in your ear, and the page layout will change.
Starting with the four colored buttons marked (A), we will discuss the additions to the page.
(A) Call Control Buttons
WrapUp Button: This will allow you to disconnect the call while still leaving the Lead Layout or Script up on your page. This is so you can take notes on the Lead, then Disposition the call and move on to the next call.
Transfer: This will allow you to transfer the call to a manually typed-in phone number, a Queue, a specific Agent (if allowed), the Convoso PBX system, or a predefined Campaign number of a Voicemail Drop.
To complete the transfer, you will select either call, hold and call, or blind transfer, then Leave Conference Call.
Hold: This allows you to put the Lead on hold for a set period of time.
You may hear an alert Ding sound every minute to two minutes, letting you know someone is still on Hold. -
Record: If recording is enabled, this will allow you to start/stop Recording at any time.
(B) Wall Clock
Call Time: This shows a counting clock of the amount of time the Lead has been on the phone.
Lead ID and Phone Number: This will show the Lead ID and Phone Number of the Lead.
(C) CRM Tabs
Dispos Tab: This tab only appears during calls; the top section allows you to select the Disposition or the outcome of the call.
Click the word of the Disposition, and the call will hang up, sending you directly to the next call.
Transfer To: If a number has been predefined in the Campaign, there is a drop-down menu that you can use to select the number you would like to transfer to in this section. You can 3-Way Call (all parties on the phone), Hold and Call (puts the lead on hold), or do a Blind Transfer (transfers the call immediately).
- For Campaigns that do a lot of Transfers, Administrators may designate Disposition buttons that perform Blind Transfers as well.
Call Notes: You can enter notes about the call here.
However, you may have a custom notes field in the Lead Layout to use instead.
(D) In-Call Icons
- This phone icon appears next to the right of the Broadcast icon when you are on a call.
- It remains on the WrapUp page as well.
The page will look nearly identical and have the same functionality during an Inbound Call. However, within the Lead Contact Info (B) will be a colored dot with the name of the Queue and the phone number that the Lead dialed.
The wrap-up is your time to take any final actions before taking the next call. Once the call completes, the Transfer to field and buttons disappear. Below we define the additional fields in the Dispos tab aside from the Disposition buttons.
Availability: Allows you to set a Reason Code if you are changing Statuses directly after the call.
Time Zone, Time, and Type: If you are setting a Callback, here you can set the Lead's Time Zone (always use the Lead's Time Zone so you do not have to do a time conversion from time zone to time zone). The date and time of the Lead, and whether the Callback will be personal or system.
A Personal Callback stays with the Agent who made the original call. To learn more, see Create a Personal Callback.
A System Callback will go to the first available Agent at the specified date and time.
Audio Quality: Allows you to rank the Audio Quality of your call out of five stars.
Lead Layout Controls
When a Lead has been searched for and opened, the Lead Layout will open to the right of the CRM panel.
You will first see the Contact tab.
Here, you can view and edit the Lead's contact information.
- Ensure that you click the green Apply Changes button after editing Lead information.
- Note: After clicking the Apply Changes button, it will be disabled as the server finishes processing.
- Additionally, within the Contact tab are the buttons for manually initiating a call or SMS conversation with a Lead. Each available Phone Number for the Lead has its own buttons.
- The green phone icon, will place a Manual call and open the Outbound Call Screen. To learn more, see the Outbound Call Controls section above.
- The green message icon will initiate an SMS correspondence with the Lead.
SMS Chat
The SMS Chat window opens once you have clicked the green message icon.
The SMS icon must be linked to a mobile phone number. Otherwise, you will receive an error, and the window will not open. |
- Here, you can correspond directly with Leads in an SMS Campaign.
(A) Lead Info and SMS control buttons
- Lead Info: Here, you can see the Lead's Name, Phone Number, and the last Disposition.
- Minimize icon: This line white line hides the SMS window, so its out of your way, but the conversation remains open.
- Chat icon: This message icon returns you to the message screen if you open the Schedule Callback screen.
Schedule Callback icon: This calendar icon opens a Schedule Callback screen within the SMS window.
- To learn more, see How to Set a Callback through SMS.
- Lead Info icon: This person icon opens the Contact tab in the Lead Layout.
Disposition icon: This checkmark icon Dispositions the Lead and closes the SMS window. If the Lead is new, you can select from three Dispositions Success, Recycle, and Trash.
- To learn more, see How to Set a Callback through SMS.
(B) SMS field and History
- SMS field: You can type out new messages to send the Lead in this text field.
- SMS History: In the gray area above the SMS field, you can see the messages between you and the Lead.
Next, we will discuss the More drop-down at the right side of the Layout.
Call Logs: This will allow you to see your Call Logs for the specific Lead.
SMS Logs: If SMS is enabled, you will be able to see a history of any SMS messages that have gone to the Lead.
Redispostion: When in a not ready Status, you can Redisposition a Lead if needed.
Please click the box labeled Modify Lead Status so that the change will reflect in administrative reporting. -
Print: Will show you the fields on the Agent form in a single column. This can get very long and may take several pages.
Print Friendly: This will show you the fields on the Agent form as configured by the Lead Layout in a much more condensed view. We recommend always using Print Friendly.
Web Form
If a Web Form is available for your Campaign, you will open it through this drop-down.
Once you click Web Form, it will open the form in a new browser window.
- Note: After clicking the Web Form option once, it will be disabled as the server finishes processing.
If a Web Form is available for your Campaign, you will open it through this drop-down.
Once you click Web Form, it will open the form in a new browser window.
- Note: After clicking the Web Form option once, it will be disabled as the server finishes processing.
If a Script is enabled on the Campaign, you can click the Script tab to view it.
- If the Script is configured for it, you can type in information about the Lead directly into the Script so you do not lose your place.
Logging Out
Agents should Log Out at the end of their shift.
If Agents do not Logout properly, the system may tell them that a session is ongoing when they log in next. Then, they will either need to wait a full minute or ask their Administrator to force log them out of the system. |
- You should be in a Not Ready (Red) Status to log out.
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