The Hopper is like a bucket that holds all the Leads to be dialed. The Hopper Level determines how many Leads will be in the Hopper at any given time.
If you add Agents to a Campaign, you may want to raise the Hopper Level to allow for more dials. If you remove Agents from a Campaign, you should lower the Hopper Level.
Note: The Hopper will only fill if Agents are logged in to the system.
1.) From the Admin Account Dashboard, click the Call Center main menu.
2.) Click the Campaigns menu option.
The Show Campaigns page will open.
3.) Click the name of the Campaign or click the Action drop-down button in the Action column and select Settings.
The Campaign Settings page will open.
4.) Click the Hopper tab.
5.) In the Hopper Level field, click the drop-down to select a Hopper Level.
6.) Click the blue Apply Changes button.
7.) Click the red Empty Hopper button to flush out the existing Leads in the Hopper.
8.) Wait for the Hopper to refresh or click on Refresh Button.