The Agent Monitor Screen shows vital campaign information, such as but not limited to dial level, drop rating, number of dialable leads, and the total number of agents that are currently logged in. The admin can also monitor the agent's status and can listen to their live calls.
From the Dashboard, click on Reports and select Agent Monitor from the drop-down.
In the Agent Monitor page, we see helpful information on how the system performs.
Arguably, the most important piece of the Agent Monitor screen is the drop rating portion. On the Agent Monitor page, you can see both the inbound and outbound drop rating. Always monitor your drop rating and aim to keep it under 3%.
You may select which specific campaign and queue to monitor by clicking the Campaign dropdown. You may also set the Refresh Rate of the Agent Monitor page
You can see your campaign’s Dial Method and the current time. Note that the Dial Method is only filled in when selecting or viewing a particular campaign. It would show blank if ALL campaign is being viewed.
We can also see how the system is dialing by checking the Total Calls Placed, Calls Ringing, Outbound Calls Waiting, Inbound Calls Waiting and AM Messages Playing
The Agent Monitor will also display the dial level for the campaign you are viewing. Also note that the Dial Level changes and displays the campaign's Dial Level Schedule when active.
If the selection view is set to "All Campaigns", the dial level will display as "--".
We can see information such as the number of dialable leads and leads in the hopper. It also shows us how many calls were made so far and how many live calls were dropped.
Note: The type of call considered as ANSWERED when counting Outbound DROPPED/ANSWERED on the Agent Monitor is disposition wherein the Human Answered is set to YES plus DROP, PDROP, and FASD.
Total number of agents shows us the number of agents that are Logged in, on ready, in a call, on wrap up, on paused and on a dead call.
If you would like to see who is the lead that your agent is talking to, click on the human icon under the Lead column and it will open the lead information on a new window.
The Agent Monitor screen also shows us a list of Agents that are logged in and their current status. Admin can also force log out an Agent by clicking the On/Off Button.
Note: Virtual Agent column is to differentiate between real agents and AI agents.
Broadcast Message
If you want to send a message to your agents, you can use the Broadcast Message feature. This allows the Admin to relay a message to all or some selected agents. Please click How to send a broadcast message to agents for more details.
You can also listen to your agent's live calls by clicking the Listen options. Please click How to Monitor / Listen to Your Agents for more details.
Live Calls Waiting
By clicking on this button, the Agent Monitor will display a second view showing the live calls waiting. As an admin, you are given the option to assign the call to agents on the right side dropdown.
The Show/Hide Columns can be used to show/hide agent info such as extension, name, call time, etc. You may refer to the Color code to easily determine how long have been the agent is on a particular status.
Here are quick definitions to the tick boxes available for view
• Extension: - Agent's extension number on the account
• Virtual Agent/Remote - Whether the user logged in is a remote user or not
• Agent Name: - Displays assigned name for the user
• Lead: - Shows the lead icon you can click to view the information on another tab/window
• Listen: - Shows the listening options available to the admin/manager (Listen/Whisper/Barge)
• Call Type: - Displays whether the call is Inbound (IN)/ Outbound (Out) / Manual
• Status: - Agent's current reason code
• Status Time - Displays the duration the agent is on that reason code
• List: - Displays the list where the lead originates from
• Current Call: - Displays the duration of the current call - if handling any
• Ready Time: - Displays the amount of time the agent is on an Available status
• Total Calls: - Displays the number of calls handled by the agent (Inbound/Outbound/Manual)
• Session: - Displays total amount of time logged in
• Campaign: - Displays Campaign where the agent is logged on
• Queue: - Displays queue available to the agent
• Queues Assignment: - Displays which queue the call was from