Lead drips are an extremely powerful tool for lead management. By using lead drips you can move leads from one list to another or change their status overnight. Lead drips run each night after midnight, they cannot be run manually.
Some examples of why to use lead drips are:
- Move your leads from a hot campaign to a warm campaign
- Change the status of answering machine to New Lead so they will be dialed immediately
- Move disconnected numbers to their own list so that they can easily be removed from the system thus freeing up lead space
- Move all leads with a specific zip code to a specific list for location-based dialing
To create a Lead Drip, go to Apps and then Drips
In the top right corner, click Add Drip
Name your drip – the more descriptive the better
Click Create Drip
Your drip has been created, now it must be configured.
Drip ID - Identification number of the lead drip.
Name - Name of the lead drip.
Priority - Set a priority number to be called first
Status - Set the lead drip Active or Inactive
Frequency - Set a schedule for the drip to run.
Email - An email notification will be sent out with a summary of the leads that were dripped.
Click the Workflow Automation Tab
You will need to select the list(s) you would like your Lead Drip to use for reference. Using the menu below, select a List and click
A single list or multiple lists can be selected for each drip. Repeat this step for each list you would like to add for this drip. Once configured, your Lead Drip will move leads only from the lists you have selected here.
To include All Lists and future lists automatically to this Drip, set All Lists Switch to Yes
Select the statuses within this drip. Again, it can be one or all but at least one status needs to be added to the drip.
Using the menu below, select a Status and click
A single status or multiple statuses can be selected for each drip. Repeat this step for each status you would like to add for this drip. After configuring your Lead Drip will move leads only with statuses you have selected here.
To include all Statuses and future Statuses automatically to this Drip, set All Statuses switch to Yes
You will need to select the user you would like your Lead Drip to use for reference. Using the menu below, select a User and click
A single user or multiple users can be selected for each drip. Repeat this step for each user you would like to add for this drip. After configured your Lead Drip will move leads only with users you have selected here.
To include all Users and future Users automatically to this Drip, set All Users to switch to Yes
Another option is to Drip leads based on Field Information
Add a Field Filter by clicking on Add Field Button.
Configure the following
- Select which Field to use as a Filter
- Select the condition for the Field
- Enter the value for the Field
Based on the sample set above, if the date today is 10 days older than the indicated date in the Date Field, the system will include the lead from the drip.
For example, Date Today is October 20 and the date on the Date field is October 5, the system will include that lead in the drip because it is older than 10 days.
Now it’s time to configure the triggers for this drip. The triggers will be prompted by events such as, how many days old a lead is or how many times a lead has been called. There are many options here that can be added as a trigger. We have 4 triggers by time as default; Days Idle, Days Old, Call Count, and Days Since Last Called. We will touch on those triggers shortly. If you would like to have a trigger other than one based on time, follow these steps:
- Click the blue Add Field button and use the drop-down that appears to select your trigger
- Select your qualifier – examples are greater than, less than, or equal to, equal to
- Enter your trigger criteria – examples are the zip code or state name
The time-based triggers are as follows:
- Days Idle – Move matching leads that have not been modified for the last X number of days
- Days Old – Move matching leads that are X number of days old
- Call Count – Move matching leads that have been called X number of times or more
- Days Since Last Called – Move matching leads that have not been called for the last X number of days
You can select your qualifier and set a number for each time trigger. In this example, we have chosen both days old and call count with a greater than or equal to qualifier
The last step in the process of configuring a trigger is the Action the trigger will take.
Here you have two options for Actions:
- Move all lead drip results to list – This action will move the leads selected from one list to another
- Set the status of all lead drip results to – This action will change the status of all leads selected to the status of your choosing.
Click Apply Change
When you are ready for the lead drip to run, you can click on the lead drip settings and change it from inactive to active or you can go to Apps and then Drips and click the Active\Off button. To turn the drip off again, just change it from active to off. Again, lead drips will run each night after midnight.
You have now created a fully functional lead drip.