In this Article:
How to use Convoso's ClearCallerID and Manage DIDs functionality to locate and replace DIDs that Carriers and the FCC have flagged as Scam Likely or Potential Spam. These tools ensure easy replacement of Account DIDs that have been flagged or blocked.
1.) Click the Account main menu.
2.) Click the Inbound Numbers option.
The Manage DIDs page will open.
At the top are your Caller ID Reputation Statistics which tell you how many DIDs have been flagged by AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and FFC Consumer Complaints.
3.) Search for these numbers by selecting Caller ID Reputation in the Filter By fields.
- A: Select Caller ID Reputation from this drop-down.
- B: Select the entity that flagged or blocked:
- Flagged or Blocked by Any
- Flagged or Blocked by AT&T
- Flagged or Blocked by Complaints
- Flagged or Blocked by T-Mobile
- Flagged or Blocked by Verizon
- Not Flagged or Blocked
- C: Order By options include: Country, Created At, DID Type, Inbound Number, Name, Route To, and Status.
- D: You can then choose Ascending or Descending from the second drop-down.
4.) Click the green Search button, and it will display all the numbers that were tagged as Scam Likely and Spam Risk.
5.) Select the numbers you want to replace by checking the boxes individually or check the box in the blue menu above the list of numbers to select the whole page. Once you have selected all the numbers in page, the phrase "All 20 DIDs on this page are selected" will appear above the table of DIDs.
- After selecting a single page, if there are additional DIDs a link will appear beside the total DIDs selected to select All the DIDs matching your search criteria in the Account.
6.) Click the red Replace Selected DIDs button.
The DID Replacement window will populate with the total numbers selected and the replacement fee.
7.) Click the Confirm button to complete the replacement.
Note: Check the box to allow your DIDs to be replaced with area codes in the proximity when exact replacements are not found.
A Success window with your Order Number will open.
8.) Click Close to complete the process.